Part 12 - The last piece of cake

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He's silent, nothing unusual but I thought him and I had gone through that already, but since he doesn't wanna talk, I'll talk for him.

"Why am I here?" I take a super husky grumbly voice trying to reproduce his 'I hate everyone' tone of voice.

And now I take a super cute and pretty charismatic voice which is my natural voice of course, "Well dear Tom, you're here because I needed someone to come with me and since you'd been locking yourself up in your room for the past four days I thought a bit of air would make you feel good,"

I asked Kala and Lin but Kala wanted to sleep and Lin said and I quote: 'I'm not high enough to tolerate you.' I love how straightforward that girl can be, isn't she a cutie?

Tom disappeared for a day though...I don't know where he went but then he reappeared in the evening and acted like everything was perfectly normal.

He remains dead silent and keeps on walking beside me in this shopping street of Kyoto.

"Oh thank you dear Ida, I'm sure this air will do me good, oh and I love puppies and dandelions!"

"Miss Abberline," his cold voice warns and I almost jump in surprise. He spoke!

"I'm just joking," I roll my eyes and he glares at me for a second.

"Where are we going anyway?" An extensive sigh escapes his lips...more enthusiasm please!

I stare at him for a second, "how did you even accept to come in the end?" Curiosity gets the best of me.

"I have an errand to run too,"

"I see, where?"

"Why do you always talk so much?" he groans.

"Only with you, just because I know you love it," I nudge him, earning myself a cold glare from him. "No, for real, I've decided I will try to understand you, asking about what you like, what you want," I say confidently.

He remains silent, "Or what you need," I add.

"What I need is for you to stop talking," He hisses through gritted teeth and I sigh.








"Oh my're totally a grapefruit kind of guy!"


"Oh c'mon! What's your favourite fruit?-" Let's try something, "and what's your mom's?"

He glances at me, "stop trying to make me talk about my family Miss Abberline, you have quite poor manipulation techniques," Dang it!

"C'mon, tell me something about yourself! Something no one knows,"


I sigh, "you're not fun," and then I see what we've been looking for, "oh wait! it's here," I pull him by the hand to shop on our right. I feel Tom tense as soon as I touch him but brush it off. It's a firework shop. I thought it would be great to have fireworks for our last night in Japan and-

"Are you joking?" Tom deadpans.

"What now?" I roll my eyes.

"We already have to go camping and act like peasants or maybe hippies trying to become one with nature itself while smoking weed and playing ridiculous chords on their guitars and you want to add fireworks?" Wow, someone's definitely enthusiastic...

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