Part 19 - BDE situation

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"Tango Charlie, follow the coo-coo to its nest," Kala whispers beside me.

I frown at her, "stop using random words, this is a serious situation!" I whisper-shout and she pouts.

"So what's the plan?" she asks before scratching her butt.

"We're looking for Sebastian's study, that's where we'll find information," I reply and see her scratching her back now.

"Why is the uniform so itchy and uncomfortable?" I managed to get us some DELV uniforms from my dad, he's an investor here too, my dad's into education to be honest.

"Stop complaining and act normal," I pull her by the hand out from behind a wall and we start walking towards the huge stone castle they call a 'school'. This place reminds me of Oxford but here people snicker like their parents are all from the royalty, which can't be true so they're basically overestimating themselves.

"Did you hear? Leagh's parents only own two yachts?" One girl tries to suppress a snicker as she rolls her eyes. Something tells me that Tom would fit in just fine here...

"No way!" The girl standing in front of her widens her eyes before bursting out in laughter, "I didn't know we had fleabags in DELV," and then they both smirk at each other.

Kala and I exchange a look and suddenly the same thing sparks in our eyes, "so you went to meet the prince of Greece this summer?" Kala starts, talking like she has a broom stuck up her-

"Yes..." I wave my hand dismissively, "no matter how many times he proposed to me I kept on refusing, he's still a baby to me," and then we both snicker, doing our best to imitate the two haughty brats. I notice their eyes on us and as we walk past them we both send them some disgusted stares, like a queen would stare at...a fleabag I guess.

"Ew, some people really need advice for their hair," Kala fake-whispers and I say 'fake' because she whispered loud enough for the two girls to hear, on purpose.

They both scowl.

"I know," I giggle, "let's go, I haven't told you yet about papa's new acquisition in Singapore, in my opinion buying a whole company was a mistake but he says that we can afford mistakes so what the hell right?" I pull her inside the castle.

"We should be mean more often, it's liberating," Kala says beside me.

"Really? I found it exhausting!" I sigh, quickening my pace as we walk past a teacher.

We walk in silence for a few seconds, frantically looking around, scared to be recognised until Kala speaks, "so...are we really only here for Sebastian stealing students from our school or is it also to piss off Tom?" she asks carefully.

"Why would I want to piss him off?" I snort. Me paying any attention to this living icicle?


"I don't know..." she eyes me intently and I know she wants to ask more but apparently she chooses to restrain herself.

We make our way up the huge Hogwarts-like stairs and ask for directions a couple times, the second time the boy eyes us suspiciously, "I've never seen you before..." he frowns, "are you new?"

Kala and I exchange a look again, "Absolutely!" she exclaims.

"As new as one can be!" I nod, "thanks anyway," I smile and he frowns even more.

"I swear if you're spies sent by PAAZ...we've already dealt with these dogs before," he says, dangerously getting closer to us.

"Us? Spies for PAAZ?" I feign shock in my voice, "my parents pay for this school, my dad's an investor here, I grew up dreaming of DELV, how can you even doubt me?!" I let tears fill my eyes and I see his face expression soften before we race away from him.

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