Chapter 8 -memory

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As I drew nearer to the other me and Daniel, the conversion became louder and clearer to understand. '' so are you really going to do this''? Asked Daniel. '' yes I guess I really am, but what if she says no'' the other me asked. '' she won't because I know that Megan loves you'' said Daniel. Suddenly a realisation dawns on me: oh my Angel! I was supposed to propose to Megan, I can't believe it! I thought as I listened to the rest of the conversion. '' yeah I know this is going to be amazing'' I said. '' I know I'm going to be here with the whole time'' said Daniel. ''thanks I'm lucky to have you as my friend and bodyguard'' the other me said. ''oooh come here'' said Daniel. We hugged. Then suddenly I felt a tug and then a bright light filled my vision when it faded I slipped into the darkness...

We were all standing outside waiting for ''Mathew'' and Daniel to stop healing Alec. '' if Daniel knew this was going to happen why didn't he warn us?'' asked Izzy, who was pacing back and forth. ''Maybe he didn't know for certain that this was going to happen'' said Megan. '' well still I think he should have told us sooner'' said Jace. ''yeah I think so too'' I said...

I woke up on a cliff top. What am I doing here? I thought. Suddenly I heard voices. I very cautiously moved towards a tree that was opposite me, when I got behind it without being noticed I sighted in relief. Then I listened to the voices. One was me and the other voice belonged to... Megan. '' Meg's I have a very important question to ask you'' the other me said. '' what is it?'' asked Megan. ''Megan will you...'' At that moment the other me was interrupted by a loud voice. ''Alexander Gideon Lightwood, by the order of the highest court you are sentenced to the Falling''. '' what's going on babe'' asked Megan. '' it appears that they sentenced me to the falling'' the other me said. ''well can I at least say goodbye'' asked Megan. '' no you can't be gone, traitorous angel, or shall I say fallen'' said The Great One. And before I knew what was happening he grabbed the other me's arm and threw me down the cliffs' edge. '' no Alexander!'' shouted Megan and fell to her knees sobbing softly. ''why? Great One why?'' she asked. ''because he deserves to be punished'' said The Great One. ''then I'll go with him'' said Megan. She walked over to the cliffs' edge and was about to jump off when the Great One said'' are you really going to sacrifice yourself for a traitor''? He asked shocked. ''I love him. I'll do anything for him'' said Megan. Before the Great One could say anything more she took a deep breath and jumped off the cliff. The Great One shook his head and disappeared. I moved from my hiding spot ran to the edge of the cliff. I looked down and saw that their wings were slowly being torn off piece by piece, Megan reached the other me and hugged me in a tight embrace and she whispered ''don't worry my love we will be with each other always, just remember that I always love you now and forevermore''. I felt tears inside my eyes as I felt tug and the darkness...

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