Part Eleven

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The day went by with a permanent blush on my face. I couldn't shake any thought of last night out of my head. He was just on my mind all day, almost making me forget about the fact that he's on the run. My heart breaks a little each time when I think about how hard his life must be. I just know he's innocent.

- taehyung

I lay on the sofa and I still couldn't come to terms with the fact she'd kissed me. And I kissed back, my entire heart and mind absolutely freaking out in joy. I knew I liked her, but gosh our situation is weird.

I still couldn't believe it. She kissed me.

It was my first proper kiss. It was really as great as the movies make it seem, I wanted to do it over and over.

But I also still need to focus on the fact I'm still a wanted criminal. And my point still stands, she is still in danger as long as I'm here. I listened out for when it was quiet then went to my usual spot under the counter.

"Hey, Aria," I whispered, so quiet she could only hear. No customers were currently in the shop, but I never truly know from under the counter.

"Tae," She smiled, "Any updates?"

"Not loads. But I am pretty confident now that there were three people there when Lucas was," I hesitated, I hated saying it aloud. She nodded, she knew like always. She always gets it.

"Anyways, one of those guys could have been Joshua. But the other two, I have no idea," I sighed.

She knelt down next to me, sitting crossed legged with her head resting on my shoulder.

"You're doing well considering the situation, and the fact that there is little to no evidence," She sighed also.

"What about that other guy? Leo?" She asked me, my heart sinking. I've been avoiding his name. She immediately picked up on my stiffness, and sat up.

"What are you thinking?" She asked me, concerned rather that interrogating.

"He'd messaged me earlier that day, saying he was going to Lucas' place that evening. It was the reason I was going too, he invited me," I continued,

"But, It's stupid. Because I know Leo and he would never do anything to hurt anyone," I said, fiddling with my fingers, convincing myself that he shouldn't even be an option.

"It could make sense, Tae," She whispered.

"I know. But It doesn't, because they were so close," I reasoned.

"There would be no reason for him to do so, we were all brothers," I grew quieter towards the end. They were my brothers. Brothers I'd lost.

I was alone later that day, around nine in the evening. Aria had gone home early to tend to some errands. She doesn't know it, but I left the shop that night.

I swiped the spare keys, and a hoodie that she had gotten me. I pulled the hood up and held it low. I hadn't left the shop at all since I entered, the temptation of leaving grew as each minute ticked by.

The door closed behind me as I took a deep breath of the cold nights fresh air. It was icy, sharp and so refreshing. As if I hadn't breathed in years.

I was going to Bens. I had nothing, nothing to prove anything good for myself. I was angry that I hadn't made any sort of progress. It's been a month of hiding away, waiting for some sort of miracle to save me from this stupid situation.

Fear walked beside me as I strolled the dark streets, towering over me like the familiar dark shadows I know too well. I used my phone to find my way to his place, praying people ignored my dark figure.

I also chose to ignore that quiet voice in the back of my head, telling me to go back. Telling me I'm being naive again, and that this is the night I end up with a life sentence. Telling me that maybe I shouldn't trust Ben.

I knocked the door, my fake confidence in control rather than my mind. I stood against the wall, head facing the opposite side, just in case he wasn't the one answering the door.

"Dude, what are you doing out here it's dangerous," He grabbed one of my shoulders, bringing me inside,

"You know what kind of people live around here?" He asked me, shutting the door and looking at me with almost relief on his face.

"I know, I know. I had to get out Ben, I was getting nowhere," I sighed.

"That Aria girl no good? She sell you out?" His voice rising, as if that was what he expected. I clenched my hands, how dare he view aria like that.

"No, she's been incredible. I don't know what i'd do without her," I smile, wondering what she was doing now. I wonder how she'd react if she found out I left.

"Fair enough, she cared about you a lot I could tell that when we met," He smiled back, pouring me a water and sitting next to me.

"What's on your mind?"

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