Part Two

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It's dark.

The sky is a deep black, and the streets mimicking it's gloom as the lights instantaneously shut off. Only to add to my worries and fear.

I check my phone again, only briefly due to its rapidly decreasing battery, and the time is almost midnight. The air was beginning to become sharp and cold, engulfing me with yet more pain and lack of warmth. Reminding me of my lack of everything.

I stand up, for the first time in hours, feeling my body creak as if it had been left untouched for long, painful years. Most people were gone, but I still hung my head low.

All shops are closed, all benches are empty, and my emotions stay blank. I cant think properly, or rationally. As if i'm waiting on some sort of miracle that will never come.

I walk for a bit in the silence, feeling calmer. As if the whole world forgot as it fell asleep in its darkness. I hoped it would last forever.

I sit back down in my previous spot, carefully scrolling through my contacts. I didn't know who to trust.

I thought about it, and switched it off. I shouldn't bring anyone else into this.


That was my last thought before I completely passed out. I didn't know what time it was when I woke up, my phone had finally died. But all I knew is that it was daytime, and people were flooding the streets.

I pulled up my hood, stood up and held my head low. Police will be on the hunt for me, and the public keeping an open eye.

I left my phone by the bins I hid behind, they'd most likely be tracking that as soon as they could- it's probably best if I leave it.

Surprisingly confident, I walk straight out into the street, not delusional enough to have my face out of course but the fact I was even here was shocking enough for me.

I had no idea where I was going.


There goes another nice white t-shirt.

Coffee, everywhere. All over the floor, all over me. Just one of the perks of working here, at anytime either I or someone else would be an idiot and slip up. Resulting in a situation like this.

But I love this job nonetheless. It keeps me distracted and happy.

I hated school with a passion, and just about passed most of my exams. When everyone else went to college, universities and other forms of further education- I ended up here without a clue of what I wanted for the future.

My name is Aria, and for ages I've been alone. My parents moved somewhere in Hawaii, leaving their 3 children to fend for themselves. And every friend I've ever had has left me, which I think is why I smile a bit more to people these days. It's hard.

But life goes on. I have my own place, job, and I'm happy- what more could I want.

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