Part Nineteen

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"You will, however, be charged with fleeing the scene of the crime and avoided arrest," The officer sighed, "Unfortunately, might I add, Mr Kim,"

I knew I was going to get punished for something like that, so I nodded reluctantly but calmly.

"Luckily for you, it's only a fine," He smiled.

Funny to think that the very guys I was running from were actually pretty down to earth. I cant blame them for wanting me in jail, I mean If I saw what they saw I'd do the same thing.

I left, wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans. Rather than the usual dark hoodie and sunglasses. It felt unnatural at this point, but so incredible.

I'd thought about her a lot. And about this sudden case close, although I've been trying to avoid it. I know she cleared my name, it's so obvious and I know she meant it to be. If she couldn't contact me though my phone, it would be through something else, like this.

And to that I guess I do have some gratitude. But that same feeling doesn't go. Anger, resentment.

My apartment was practically untouched, the same boxes I had were still piled in the living room. I laughed slightly, I never thought I'd see it again. At my window, I stared at the fresh view of Seoul I had, the different vehicles and people roaming the streets.

I may have had my life back, but not completely. It would never be the same again.

Lucas, Leo, Lilli, Ben...


Guilt has a firm grip on my emotions, flashing me that innocent, so broken look in Lilli's eyes when she died.

Guilt, of my Aria. I'd left her in a pit of her own misery, she was the one responsible for all this, and yet I still felt a need. A need for me to look after her. A need, for her to look after me.

Feelings don't disappear. I think about her with every action I take, and I don't think this feeling will leave me for a long time.

I'm stood in my living room, hastily moving heavy boxes from place to place, trying to figure out some sort of sense out of this place.

"Need a hand?"

I looked up, I knew that voice.

It was mere seconds after that we were in each others arms, holding on firmly.

"Leo," I whispered.

He was crying, I was crying. We were both, so sorry.

"I'm so happy you're back, and that we can be here," He said, holding me by the shoulders and smiling.

"Nothing could've been worse than this," I said.

"I'm so sorry. I thought about you every day, and I was so confused," He sighed, wiping away his tears.

"I can finally visit your apartment," He laughed
at the irony. I smiled, gently kicking one of the dusty boxes aside.

"I never thought I'd see it again man," I said, running my fingers along my hair.

"Where did you go? How did you make it so far undetected," He asked.

We were both sat down now, beside my kitchen counter that was crying out for decoration. We had a glass of water each, it was all I had to offer.

I didn't know how he would react if I told him, I mean, I fell in love with the murderer of our best friend. And the worst part is, I still love her.

"It is very complicated. I stayed in a small cafe a couple miles away, the owner helping me and making sure I was safe," I smiled.

He scoffed, laughing.

"No way, it was that simple?"

"I know, it seemed way too good to be true,"

It was. And I wish I'd done something about it.

"Where are they now?" He asked me, I went to speak but I hesitated.

"I don't know, I told them it would be safer if they stayed away from me, as I didn't know how anything would turn out,"

He nodded, looking away and taking another drink of water.

"I wish I could thank them. If you ever see them, please tell them that, I don't know what I'd do If i lost you too,"

It was weird. It was a rarity that we ever had serious conversations like this, it was always jokes and stupid statements between us. If everything was normal we'd both be laughing at how sappy this is.

"I thought about you every day. I was so worried they'd blame you too," I sighed, he lightly laughed.

"Things happened, but not on a scale as worse as they were to you," He continued,

"It will take a while, but we will find out everything. And then we can try and move on with our lives,"

I nodded.

"That's what Lucas would want,"

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