Chapter 1: An Arc's Abduction

Start from the beginning

"I believe it is!" Ms. Goodwitch gasped, looking at the screen in shock.

Standing in front of Jaune and Ruby, holding up a pair of peace signs with a cheeky grin on her face, was a small girl with long, light hair and wearing a hoodie with the Pumpkin Pete mascot.

The audience suddenly got very quiet. Ruby blinked, staring at the screen in shock.

"O-Oh my..." Pyrrha stuttered.

"AWW!" Yang squealed. "She's so cute!" Then she thought of something else. "And I'm an auntie now! I'm an auntie!" The Blonde Brawler burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggling.

"Wow, somebody's got issues," Adam murmured, a little unnerved.

"There is nothing I wouldn't do for my wife and daughter," Jaune's voice concluded determinedly. "For their sake, I would descend into the depths of the Grimm World, and fight Mundus all over again."

The image of the happy family faded to black, before white letters appeared on the screen, one after another, as though they were being typed.


"Well, that's not ominous at all," Blake said drily.

The scene changed to show a car driving along a dirt road in the middle of a forest. The occupants in the front seat consisted of two police officers in full uniform. The policeman driving the car was thin, and wore a pair of spectacles. The other officer was more bulky, and sported a large amount of stubble of his chin and cheeks. Sitting in the backseat, staring out the window with a grave expression on his face, was Jaune.

"Well, that's quite the long face for the man who has it all," Coco commented. "I wonder what's gotten into him?"

"Maybe he and Ruby got into an argument, or something?" Sun suggested.

"No way!" Velvet shook her head. "I know Ruby and Jaune. They're not the kind of people who would stay angry with each other over a disagreement."

As Jaune watched the trees outside his window rush past him, he began to talk to himself.

"It's been almost a decade since I last set foot in Mistral," he said quietly. "I haven't needed to return ever since graduating from the classes that I took in Haven Academy..."

"So, he attended Haven Academy after the Fall of Beacon, did he?" Winter hummed. "I wonder what classes he took while he was there..." She shook her head. "But that is a question for another time. Right now, what could be so important to require Mr. Arc's prescience in Mistral when he has not needed to go back in ten years?"

The policeman driving the car let out a sigh, and slumped his shoulders.

"Gad, why am I the one who always gets the short end of the stick?" he groaned. The other officer turned to look back at Jaune.

"Yo. Who are you, really? Come on and tell us." The Huntsman didn't respond. Snorting, the policeman returned to staring out the windshield at the road. "You're a long way from home, Huntsman. You have my sympathies." Finally, Jaune spoke.

"I take it that's the Mistralian way of breaking the ice?" he asked sarcastically, before shaking his head. "Anyway, you know what this is about. You're supposed to be helping me search for my missing daughter."

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