And those dreams weren't as daft as they seem

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The cold from the unheated room nipped at Hyunjin's uncovered skin, eventually forcing his body awake.

For just a moment the boy was confused as to why he lay on the couch rather than in his bed, the events from just a few hours prior swiftly returning back to him.

He checked the time, 7:47am. His eye lids were dragging down like a new weight added to his body. He didn't exactly remember falling asleep, just knew it had to be some time after 4am.

And where the hell was Jisung? The boy was no where to be found, Hyunjin knew he had fallen asleep on the couch before him.
He figured he must have gone home considering how early it was and, oh, college.

Hyunjin let out a prolonged groan, stretching back while covering his eyes with his hands before dragging himself off the couch (despite wanting to stay).

Was Jisung perhaps embarassed or upset about what had happened the night before?
Those thoughts scared Hyunjin, maybe the other boy had left early because he couldn't bear to see Hyunjin after what they did together.

Grudgingly, Hyunjin still managed to get to college.

Unbeknownst to everyone else, this would be Hyunjin's last day at college.

(new characters moment 🤭, I promise this is important to the story)

"San- Sana-" Momo lay her hands on Sana's back, trying to push the girl off of her lap so she could see her computer screen.

"I want attention" she bounced excitedly on Momo's lap. The younger-by-one-month girl didn't mind giving her best friend some attention, but right now she was desperately trying to finish this episode of her show because things started getting interesting.

Sana was over for a reason. Every Sunday the two would spend the night together at Momo's house. They called it 'Spa day Sunday' because they would put on clay masks and give each other massages as a way to relax and be ready for Monday.

However this time she was also over to have a long talk with Momo. They usually do anyway, but this time she was here to talk about her now ex boyfriend whom she broke up with a couple of days prior.

Momo was surprised when she heard this, surprised to see that Sana didn't look at all sad. From what she saw, the two were very committed and were in a serious relationship, yet here Sana was not even batting an eye.

"you know how I told you I was bi?" Sana spoke up, no longer bouncing on Momo.

"yeah?" Momo's hands moved from Sana's back to her sides, traveling up and down in soothing motions.

"well I actually broke up with Hwiyoung because I'm pretty sure I'm a lesbian" She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk and her chin on her hands.

"oh. Well I'm happy for you, sugar" Momo smiled to herself, greatful that Sana trusts her enough to tell her about that.

"I think that's why I don't miss him. Pretending to like cock got a bit boring" she giggled, wriggling again like she always seems to.

"do you want to do our clay masks in the bath this time?" Momo didn't exactly know how to respond to that last remark, changing the subject.

"sure! Do you have any bubble bath? I love bubbles" Sana turned her head enough so that she could see the girl behind her, smiling with her teeth showing.

"I'll have to look. Get up" petting her sides, Momo helped Sana up and the girl stood over the desk so Momo could shuffle out, walking to the bathroom with the older following along.

"I haven't gotten naked in front of you before" Sana sniggered, actually a little bit shy when she thought more about it.

"Oh well, we own the same parts" she responded nonchalantly, really not that bothered about it while she dug through the cabinet for some bubble bath. "can you start the water while I do this, please?"