The best you ever had

599 35 23


Min🦉: Jisung, please come over
Min🦉: I have something for you

Considering his phone had ended up right beside his head, Jisung awoke to the sounds of the notifications right in his ear.

He looked around, the light from the street lamps creeping through the window into the living room where two boys lay.

It was still awfully dark, Jisung not able to see much apart from the outlines of the furniture in the room. He could feel the warm body squished up beside him. He must've rolled slightly off of Hyunjin in his sleep, his arm dangling off the edge of the couch and touching the floor.

He tiredly looked at his phone, the words blurry from his sleepy eyes, only just able to read Minho's messages.

Little one: I'm coming ig

Jisung reluctantly got up, not sure why he would take himself to Minho's at such a ridiculous time. His curiosity took over him and he had to know what Minho had to give him.

His mind didn't cross the possibilities of Hyunjin waking up in the morning, panicking when realising the boy had dissapeared from his arms, an all too familiar feeling. He also didn't realise that the boy had been awake for hours after he fell asleep, only having fallen asleep a mere twelve minutes before Jisung woke up.

Once he got there the door was already opening. Minho must've been looking out the window, awaiting the younger's arrival.

Jisung tensed upon seeing Minho's clearly stressed state, not sure what this could be about.
It made the anxiety rise in his throat, was something bad going to happen?

"can I please talk to you?" Minho rushed out. He was unsure of where to start, he knew he had to tell Jisung about Yeonjun whether the younger saw the message or not. He didn't want to keep secrets from the boy anymore, and it was eating him alive. He couldn't wait until the morning, hence why it's 4am.

"o-okay-..." Jisung was too tired to say no and have to walk all the way back to Hyunjin's again when he had only just arrived.

Minho stood in the doorway to the living room while Jisung sat awkwardly on the couch, leg bouncing and expecting the worst.

"I think you deserve to know this." he started, burying his face in his palm for a moment, taking a deep breath then continuing. "I saw Yeonjun in the library the other day, one thing let to another and we... we kinda had sex but like not fully because I only sucked his dick but yeah I feel so bad oh my fucking God you don't know how much I wish I never did that" He rambled, giving Jisung no time to process each new bit of information.

"what? So... that message I saw wasn't a joke?" Jisung stood up abruptly, staring Minho right in the eyes making the older so much more nervous than before, as if his hands hadn't been shaking for the past hour just thinking about telling Jisung.

"I'm sorry... I'm not involved with him anymore if that makes it any better..." he sighed. He knew he fucked up, bad. He would respect if Jisung flipped his shit and never spoke to him again, he so wished he could turn back time and erase what happened between him and Yeonjun.

"I'm glad you could actually tell me... but what the fuck?" For the second time in the last 12 hours Jisung was fighting back tears, even Minho could see them welling up in the younger's pretty doe eyes. "I thought after we confessed to each other in the skatepark that you only had eyes for me... I should've known you'd find someone better than me"

"Fuck, Jisung. No one is better than you. How could you even say that?" Minho stressed, stepping forward to stroke his thumb along Jisung's cheek.

"how could I say that? when the person I thought actually loved me goes and sucks someone else's dick. I get it, I'm nowhere near as pretty as Yeonjun, I don't blame you"