Remember when you used to be a rascal?

594 30 13

"Shit!" Minho stared at his phone, eyes blown wide and pupils dialated to take in the light of the phone in the pitch black room.

He checked his phone after he had heard the front door click shut, incase he had any potentially important messages that he missed.
Instead, he was presented with the racey message from Yeonjun.

'no wonder Jisung looked so fucking sad' he cursed himself in his head. Surely the younger had seen it, which was why his mood was so down.

He paced his room, desperate to call Jisung and make up some excuse that it's 'not what he thinks it is' but he didn't want to lie and there was a possibility the boy didn't even see it, which would mean he'd expose himself.

Ever since the incident with Yeonjun, he felt God awful about it. He wanted to explain what had happened to Jisung, except he was too scared that it'd cause him to lose the younger, again.

He decided to message him a simple 'Sung, did you get home safe?' to start a conversation in which Jisung may bring up the message himself.

Read 10.38pm


'at Hyunjin's.'


That simple response made Minho's stomach turn. Everyone knew Hyunjin still wanted Jisung, he wasn't exactly reserved when it came to talking about it. He was also informed by Hyunjin himself that whenever Jisung was upset with someone he'd go to him for comfort.

Jisung must've seen that message, and now he's most likely telling Hyunjin something Minho was happy to keep to himself and eventually forget about.

"He really said that? Christ.." Hyunjin muttered, holding in his anger with the information Jisung was giving him.

Was Minho really seeing Yeonjun as well? How could anyone hurt Jisung in this way?

All these thoughts were running circles through Hyunjin's mind, and if it was true he hated that he'd ever call a cheater his best friend.

He knew the two boys weren't dating, yet it still felt so wrong. He knew himself that he'd be upset in this situation, just like Jisung.

He bit the inside of his cheek, hard. He wasn't one to get very angry often, he started to worry about himself when a recognisable metallic taste appeared on his tongue.

The pair were now sat right in front of each other on the floor, just where they were stood before. Hyunjin bent his neck down so he could connect their foreheads, feeling the heat from Jisung's on his own.

His right hand met the side of Jisung's neck, stroking the boy's jaw with his thumb a few times as he just stared down at him in silence, desperate to rest his own uneasiness.

The silence was never uncomfortable, and Hyunjin felt serene in Jisung's presence like this.

"I would never do that to you" it came out in a low, almost-whisper. It was out before he could take it back. He was too angry to care, too tired to worry about holding himself back in this moment.

His thumb moved it's way up to Jisung's protruding bottom lip from his lingering pout, wiping across it once before figuring he was moving too fast.

Jisung looked up at him after he did so, their faces so close together, almost too close to be comfortable.

Jisung's hand tugged on the neckline of Hyunjin's shirt, not in a way to say 'take it off', just a way to comfort himself. He loved being close to people like this, it made him feel safe no matter who it was.

"so sweet" Hyunjin muttered, his eyes meeting Jisung's for just a moment before they travelled back down to his still pouty lips.

He didn't think it would happen, a split moment where cracked lips met his own. The salt from his tears lingered on Hyunjin's mouth, and if he wasn't tired as ever he probably would've screamed.

Instead, he used his hand on the side of Jisung's jaw to bring them closer again, letting the kiss linger for just a little longer than the first.

It was obvious this would never happen again, Jisung's muddled up emotions probably making him act up like this.

Hyunjin felt a little vunerable, knowing fully he wasn't going to hold himself back anymore this evening after that.

"keep... going" Jisung spoke for him, and he didn't have to be asked twice.

Jisung seemed to take control of his emotions, no longer seeming sad as he returned Hyunjin's kiss.

He didn't know what got over him, maybe it was the smell of Hyunjin's cologne or the taste of his lips, but he stood them up, walking them both to one of the couches without disconnecting their lips.

Hyunjin ended up layed on the couch, the other boy sat on his lap. Jisung's warm fingers on his cheeks made his whole body tingle, excitement coursing through his system and completely forgetting that this wasn't as real as he wanted it to be.

Jisung's fingers slipped between Hyunjin's beside his head, the pressure of the boy's hands pushing down on his own meant he couldn't move them.

Hyunjin lifted up his knees to support Jisung's body, accidently causing too much friction between the two.

One of Jisung's hands remained on Hyunjin's, the other supporting his body weight resting on Hyunjin's chest. He didn't think when he pinched the boy's nipple, causing him to moan out before lips were on his once more.

Craving the feeling again, Hyunjin rolled his hips up carefully, Jisung humming in recognition.

It didn't take long for Jisung to join in with the movements, moving the hand on Hyunjin's chest to under his shirt, continuing to play with his sensitive nipple.

Jisung pulled away from the kiss, getting off of Hyunjin's lap and shuffling to the other end of the couch, now between his knees.

Hyunjin just stared up at him, no thoughts apart from Jisung, Jisung, Jisung.

Placing his hands either side of the older's waist, he teasingly brought up the older's shirt until he couldn't pull it up any further.

He got closer, hot breath fanning on Hyunjin's delicate skin as he lay there, compliant to every touch. He kissed the skin of Hyunjin's toned tummy, before nibbling it.

Hyunjin squirmed with every bite, the boy getting closer and closer to his chest with each little nibble and kiss, the hands stroking at his sides making him shiver and sigh with how it tickled.

The older whined when Jisung brought one of his nipples between his teeth, dabbing his tongue on it. Hyunjin couldn't stop his hips from rolling up into Jisung's tummy, his back arching slightly off the couch to press himself even harder on Jisung.

"Sungie, please" He wasn't sure exactly what he was begging for, just knew he wanted Jisung.

"please what?" Jisung mocked, sitting up to grope Hyunjin's protruding bulge.

"fuck me like the good boy you are~" he mewled.

A/N: well- 😃