That Bloody Mary's lacking in Tabasco

623 31 19

Needless to say he didn't leave at all, staying behind to process what had just happened.

The way his mind flooded with those intrusive thoughts made his heart implode, warmth inching up his face and neck with embarassment as he couldn't stop thinking about it, repeating those scenes in his head multiple times.

He sat on the couch, not long before noticing Minho's phone sandwiched between the two couch cushions. He pulled it out, contemplating whether or not to go upstairs and return it to him, but he didn't want to be invasive and walk in if the older was going to sleep.

He got up nonetheless, realising Minho may need it for an alarm to wake him up for college or anything.

Halfway up the stairs, he paused when feeling the device vibrate in his hand. Again, be didn't want to intrude on Minho's privacy, however that didn't stop his curiosity from forcing his eyes upon the message he received.

Yeonjun~: Min? I'm hard again and it's your fault, come and fix this~


Oh. Jisung choked, swiftly getting down to sit on the step he was on to figure out what he just read studying the message over and over until he came to the conclusion that it did say those exact words.

It had to be a joke, or at least that's what he told himself. Even if it wasn't, they weren't even dating so why should it matter? Minho can do whatever he wanted, right?

That didn't stop it from hurting. Minho must've found someone better than him already and of course it was Yeonjun, he's gorgeous, something Jisung could never compare to.

He used to secretly sneak peaks at him in dance class, staring at certain details of him like his lips, eyes and skin, how perfect they were and how mediocre it made Jisung's appearance look.

He's happy for Minho if this is true, yet it'd hurt if he saw them together. The two of them holding hands and being all lovey dovey right in front of him would break him. The thought alone made his body tremble, the first tears pooling in the corners of his eyes.

Vision blurry, he forced himself back up determined to give Minho his phone back and go home as soon as possible.

He rushed to wipe off any tears that threatened to spill, deciding he'd hold them off until he was alone.

He knocked so lightly on the door he didn't think Minho would even hear. He was about to knock again before the door opened, revealing Minho in a new change of clothes, grey sweatpants and a black shirt.

"your phone..." Jisung shyly handed it to him, looking down at his feet the entire time so Minho wouldn't see the sadness written all over his face.

"ah, right. Thank you baby~" Minho purred, tilting his head while he looked at the younger so fondly Jisung wanted to throw up.

He gently brushed the smallers hair behind his ear, patting his fluffy hair softly before ushering him away.

"get home safe" he smiled. Jisung pulled the door closed behind him as he stepped away.

He had to stop to take a breath, calming himself down. The way Minho spoke to him then made him swoon, but he knew he shouldn't feel like that if the older was seeing someone else.

As he walked home, he drowned out his feelings with music to hold back the tears. It felt like a fever dream, looking around the dimly lit streets with no life present, no sounds except for his own breathing and footsteps.

He paused the music just to take it all in, but the quietness gave him too much opportunity to let his thoughts bombard him.

He couldn't stop thinking about Minho, and he decided he had to tell someone even if he didn't really want to.

"tell people how you're feeling, even if you don't think you should. You'll be greatful for it afterwards" His mother had once told him. It stuck with him ever since and he has (mostly) done so.

'Hyunjin...' he thought, knowing he wasnt far from his house from his current location.

Despite it being close to 10pm already, he knew Hyunjin would open the door to him even if it was 2am. Hyunjin treated him different. He assumed it was just in the boy's nature to be like that, though.

"Hi, sweets" Hyunjin didn't even ask why he was there, letting him in immediately and stroking his back upon seeing the sunken look on the younger.

"I'm sad.." Jisung pouted, hot tears already slipping down his cheeks and doing absolutely nothing about them.

"oh, Sungie. What's wrong, hm?" Hyunjin asked, already thinking he knew what or who it was about.

He let both of his hands fall upon Jisung's soft cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe away his fat tears that wouldn't stop falling. He saw his little pout, desperate to kiss it away.

"Minho.... I don't think he likes me anymore" Bingo. You didn't have to be a genius to know he was upset about Minho, that's all he's ever upset about.

Hyunjin brushed off the pang in his heart to respond. "I'm sure he does still like you. How could anyone not like you?" and it was true. How on earth could anyone not like Jisung? He was too cute to dislike, too cute so even say no to, at least in Hyunjin's eyes.

"you're just saying that.." Jisung spoke sadly.

"I promise, I'm not. Anyone would be in the wrong mind to dislike a cute baby like you" Hyunjin's hands remained on the boys face as he looked down at him, stroking his damp cheek with one thumb.

One of his hands found its way down to one of Jisung's, holding it and bringing it up to Hyunjin's shoulder for Jisung to hold.

Jisung leaned forward, lightly nuzzling his face into Hyunjin's warm chest. It provided him with a comfort he didn't know he needed, fingers curling around the cloth of Hyunjin's shirt to hold on to him.

Hyunjin took his hand to the back of Jisung's head, petting the hair as a way to soothe the boy. He wasn't crying anymore, just deflated.

Hyunjin wanted to hold him and protect him from all his sadness, even if it was just for tonight. He would pretend this was what he wished it was, the two of them holding each other like they never wanted to let go. He knew Jisung's hold on him was just temporary though, until Minho got his shit together.

"you're so strong, you know?" he received no response, the room remaining silent. So silent, even, that Hyunjin was so so scared Jisung could hear his heartbeat. He could surely feel it, and it scared him. He didn't want Jisung to know how he really felt, incase it upset him. He really, really didn't want to upset him. Ever.

A/N: hyunsungs dynamic is making me want to scream what have I done