Chapter 26

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The next night the heroes were back in Nanda Parbat and they were in the throne room kneeling before their master. They were listening to the man praise the job that they had done while on their mission. The only thing that he was displeased about was that the team had not brought back any of the serum so that the League could possibly use it at a different date.

"You have done very well with your mission. I just wish that you had been able to bring some of the serum back. It would have come in handy at some point in the future." Ras said.

"We are sorry about that master but it was destroyed as we attacked." Arrow said.

"Sometimes these things happen. I understand that. As a whole, your mission went well, so I am happy to say that you will be getting more missions as a team in the future. You work very well together." Ras said.

"Thank you master." Black Canary said.

"You are free to go for now. Tomorrow I want you up early so that we can get back to your training. You did well out there, but you still have plenty left to learn." Ras said as the heroes got to their feet and left the room to go and get something to eat before they went to their rooms for the night.

. . .

Later, after everyone had gone to their rooms, Arrow, Black Canary, and Artemis were talking about the mission and what they thought about what Ras had told them earlier.

"So, do you guys really think that Ras is happy with us?" Artemis asked.

"I do think that he is happy with the way that we completed the mission other than the fact that we didn't get any of the serum. We are going to have to keep quiet about that since we are the ones who really destroyed it." Arrow said.

"Yeah, we don't need to be on the wrong side of Ras. At Least not yet anyways." Black Canary said.

"What do you think that he will have us do next?" Artemis asked.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that it is going to be big. He wouldn't need to send all of us if it was something small." Arrow said.

"I agree. It has to be something big. You know we are getting close to being away from home for four years now. That means that it will be just over two years until we can go home and stay there. I can't wait to be home." Black Canary said.

"Me either. I would have stayed at home just now if I didn't have to worry about Ras sending someone after me." Artemis said.

"You're Not the only one. I thought about it a few times, but then I thought about it and I knew that we would be back soon enough, so I knew that I needed to come back and complete my training. I wonder how far along we will be by the time the five years is up?" Black Canary asked.

"At the rate that we are all picking things up. I have no doubt that by that time we will be Ras' horsemen." Arrow said.

"That would be good. Maybe he will release us so that we don't have to fight our way out of here." Black Canary said.

"That is a possibility, but I don't know that he is going to want someone who is as valuable as us released. We won't have to fight though. If he decides that is the way that he wants to do things, we will just show him our abilities and he will have no choice but to let us go. He can't do anything against our powers." Arrow said.

"That is true. Plus, I think that no matter how bad the League of Assassins is, it is needed in our world today. So, if worse comes to worse, we might just need to take Ras down and give the League to someone who would be loyal to us." Artemis said.

"I think that might have to be the way that it happens. I just can't see Ras letting us go without a fight. From what I heard only one person has ever been released from the League and I have also heard that he is regretting his decision right now. I don't know who this person is, but I am sure that we will find out one of these days." Arrow said.

"Well, whoever this person is, he must really be messing up if Ras is regretting his decision." Black Canary said.

"Yeah, I also heard that whoever this person is, he is American. Maybe we will meet him one of these days, and if he is as bad as they say that he is, we will bring him down." Arrow said.

"We would be the perfect people to be sent after this person if he is American. We know the country better than anyone. We would be able to blend in where most of the others that are in the League wouldn't." Black Canary said.

"That would make sense. I wonder if that won't be our next mission." Artemis said.

"We will just have to wait and see. So, let's get some rest. We are going to have a long day tomorrow since we haven't trained in a while." Arrow said and the other two agreed as Artemis went to her bed and Black Canary kissed Arrow before they went to sleep as well.

. . .

Back in Starling City, A man in what looked to be a League of Assassins suit was returning to an office at Merlyn Global. As he entered the building through the window, he took his hood and mask off to show that it was Malcolm Merlyn. He looked out at the city that he loved and then went back to his safe room to change back into his suit. He returned to his office and looked out at the city again.

"My plan is finally set in stone, Rebecca. I will have vengeance for your death. It might take a little longer than I hoped, but everything's coming together. It will only take another three years for everything to work out and then this city will be rid of the scum that live in the Glades." Merlyn said as he smiled as he was still looking out at the city.

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