Chapter 7

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It was time for the supply plane to come to the island and this would be their way off the island. Of course the heroes knew that they needed to stay on the island. They just needed to make it look good and hopefully get Shado, Yeo Fei, and Slade on that plane to get them home. The heroes would have to stay and wait for the League of Assassins to come and take them off of the island, which from what Novu said, that would be a while, so it was a good thing that they would know all about the training that they would need to work on until the League came for them.

Sara didn't want to lose Shado now that they had started something, but if it meant that Shado could get off of this island and be safe wherever she went, Sara would take that. The others knew that it would be good if Slade and Yeo Fei could stay as well but they wouldn't keep them here just for their training purposes.

The team had another six hours before the plane came in, so Shado and Yeo Fei went out to hunt so that they wouldn't be hungry when they went and attacked the air field. That is when things started to go wrong for the day. After several hours, Shado and Yeo Fei had not returned so the rest of the team went out looking for them. They found Shado and Yeo Fei had been captured and taken back to the mercenary camp and were being held in cages.

By the time Shado and Yeo Fei had been found and the team got together to come up with a plan of attack to get Shado and Yeo Fei back, they only had an hour to get to the airfield and do as they had planned. It was either get to the plane or save their friends. Slade was the only one who was thinking about still going for the plane, while the group of heroes was all for going after and saving Shado and Yeo Fei. They were pretty sure that they were going to be on their own for this so they came up with a plan to save their friends. As they were about to attack, Slade showed up and helped them as well.

"I thought you were going for the plane. What made you come and help?" Oliver asked.

"I figured that the six of you would die if I wasn't around so I had better come back and help you." Slade said.

"Well, I am glad that you decided to come back. We could use all of the help that we could get." Laurel said.

"So, what's the plan kid?" Slade asked.

"Well, when it was just the six of us, Thea and I were going to take sniper positions and take out as many of the mercenaries as possible while Laurel and Sara went after the mercenaries that were close to the cages and then Barry and Kara would come in while the mercenaries were distracted and get Shado and Yeo Fei out of there." Oliver said.

"That is a good plan kid, but what weapons were Laurel and Sara going to have. They can't just go in there without any weapons. They would be at a severe disadvantage then." Slade said.

"We were going to take the sticks that we use for training. We can put a good hurting on those mercenaries with those." Sara said.

"Ok, so you have a plan there. What about Barry and Kara. What weapons do they have?" Slade asked.

"Kara has become quite good with a bow, so she will have that, and Barry is getting good with sticks like Laurel and Sara are, so that is what he will have." Oliver said.

"Ok, I am surprised that you were able to come up with a plan this easily, kid. It is not the best plan but also not the worst plan." Slade said.

"Thanks. I guess." Oliver said.

Oliver left out the part that everyone was going to use a small dose of their powers as well to help them out. But since Slade was back now, they would have to be careful with that part of their plan. They would have to make sure to do things more subtly now that Slade might be watching. Having Slade with them would help them in other ways though. Especially, when it came to him having guns that would take out more of the men then they could with sticks and bows and arrows.

"So, where do you need me kid?" Slade asked.

"Well, I will leave that up to you. You can either go and help them get Shado and Yeo Fei out, or you can take up a sniper position and take down as many of the mercenaries as possible. Like I said, it is up to you which way you decide to go." Oliver said.

"I will go in with the others. I have seen you and Thea with a bow, and I know that you can take care of everything from a sniper position. I will be going in with my swords though, not sticks." Slade said.

"I expected nothing less. So, is everyone clear on the plan now?" Oliver asked and everyone nodded.

"Ok, then take your positions and let's get to work." Oliver said as Laurel, Sara, Slade, Barry, and Kara went in to get Shado and Yeo Fei out of their cages, while Oliver and Thea were picking off mercenaries one by one. It didn't take long before they had freed Shado and Yeo Fei and were going to hide with everyone else. While on the way out Laurel saw a rocket firing weapon and decided to take it out with her powers so they wouldn't have to deal with that.

Once they were all back at the plane that they had been staying in everyone was able to relax and now they were getting ready for the retaliation from the mercenaries. They knew that it would come at some point but for now all they could do was wait and see what happened. They also knew that they would be on the island for the foreseeable future, so they had better get used to that and make sure that they were ready for anything that came their way. This meant that bright and early the next morning everyone would be training harder than ever.

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