Chapter 12

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It had now been a month since the group of heroes and their friends had defeated Fyers and his men. The heroes were rounding into form with their training and they were becoming really good fighters and good with the weapons that they had on hand as well. Oliver and Thea were becoming experts in archery, Laurel and Sara were becoming experts with fighting with what would be bow staffs when they got home, and Barry and Kara were training in both archery and swords as well as bow staffs. They were going to be more well rounded with weapons training, but not as good with one weapon as the other four were.

"I am impressed with what I am seeing from all of you kids. I didn't think this was possible when we first started training you." Slade said to the heroes.

"I didn't think it was possible either, but I guess that we all can be wrong sometimes." Oliver said.

"I am glad that we can at least protect ourselves now. I don't think we would be able to live on this island for long without the training that we have received from you three." Laurel said.

"Oh, I can guarantee that you wouldn't. You were all spoiled little brats when you got here. Now you are all warriors who I am proud to fight with whenever the need arises." Slade said.

"Thanks for the compliment. I just wish we could find a way off of this island." Sara said although she knew that wasn't the destiny for the six heroes who needed to be here for a bit longer before the League of Assassins came and rescued them.

"So, what should we work on today?" Barry asked.

"Today is just going to be a regular training day. After we are done with that, you are free to do whatever you want." Yeo Fei said.

"I think I will be going to check out that submarine again. See if there is anything on it that can be helpful to us." Barry said.

"I want to go too. Can I go Ollie?" Thea asked.

"I have no problem with it as long as you stay out of trouble." Oliver said.

"Thank you, and I will be on my best behavior with Barry there to keep me straight." Thea said with a smile.

"I hate it when you smile like that. It means that you are up to something." Oliver said.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Ollie." Thea said as she went to start her training for the day. As did everyone else.

. . .

After everyone was done with their training for the day, Barry and Thea were walking to where they found the submarine so that they could check it out more thoroughly. When they got inside, Barry was fascinated by what he saw. It looked like the submarine was still in working order, which would mean that they could get Slade, Shado, and Yeo Fei off the island, even though it meant that the six friends would have to stay behind because they had a mission to complete.

"Looks like this thing will still work. We might be able to get Slade, Shado, and Yeo Fei off the island." Barry said.

"Do you think that is a good idea? I mean, I know it will be good to get them off the island, but shouldn't we keep them around for a while, so we can learn more from them?" Thea asked.

"I guess you have a point. We will keep this between us for a while. Look around and see if you can find anything that we might be able to use at the camp." Barry said and Thea nodded as she wandered off to look around the submarine some more.

A few minutes later Thea found something that she thought was interesting. "Barry. Come over here. I might have found something. It won't help much I don't think, but it looks interesting." Thea said.

Barry found Thea and looked at what she found. It was a serum of some sort. Who knew what it really was, but it might be able to heal wounds and stuff like that, so it would be worth taking it back to the camp with them.

"This is interesting. I have no idea what that is, but it could be helpful. We will take it with us when we leave." Barry said.

"Ok. Have you found anything yet?" Thea asked.

"Nothing other than more confirmation that this submarine is still operational. I will go and find the doctor's office and see what kind of supplies are in there. We can always use stuff like that." Barry said and Thea followed him.

When they made it to the doctor's office, they looked around and found plenty of medicine. It looked like this was a worthwhile trip after all. They packed up all of the supplies that they thought would help them. Barry handed the bags to Thea and he went to pick up the crate with the serum in it. They both left the submarine and went back to the camp.

. . .

"Well it looks like you found plenty of stuff on the submarine. What did you find?" Kara asked.

"We found lots of medicine and we found this serum, which we have no idea what it is, but we thought that it might come in handy at some point." Barry said.

"Good. We can always use the medicine. I might have something in this plane that will let us know what the serum is. If it still works." Slade said.

Barry handed Slade the crate who then went into the plane to see if the piece of equipment that he needed still worked. It turned out that it did. Once he was done running the test, he walked back outside to the group and told them what they had found.

"It looks like the serum is some kind of muscle growth serum. It might even have regenerative properties as well." Slade said.

"So, it is steroids then?" Oliver asked.

"In a word, yes. I think this is very dangerous though, and shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary." Slade said.

"Ok, so stay away from the green serum. No problem." Sara said.

"Yeah. We don't know what it does, so we should only use it if absolutely necessary." Oliver said and the rest of the group nodded in agreement as they all sat down and had when Oliver and Kara had hunted for while Barry and Thea were gone, for their dinner.

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