Chapter 24

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The next morning, all of the team was preparing for that night so that they could get back to Nanda Parbat. They had a plan to wait for Waller to return home that night, while also going to the army base that was nearby so that they could take care of the rogue General. After they were done preparing themselves for that night, it was now time to go and see how their families were doing since all of them had been gone, from the shadows of course.

"Ok, we have finished our planning for tonight. Now is the time to check in on your families if that is what you want to do, because we don't have time to do that after we are finished with the mission." Oliver said and the others nodded.

They all dressed in their disguises that they wore when they flew into the country so that no one would recognize them. It would allow them to see the city and also see their families. They wanted to gauge what they would be up against once they came home in another two years.

"Alright. So, Barry, Sara, and I are going to check on our parents, while you, Thea, and Kara go to check on yours. Oh, I forgot that we need to check on Tommy as well. Maybe we all can meet up and do that." Laurel said.

"That is a good idea. We need to see how Tommy is doing. You know I was kind of upset that Tommy didn't join us on the Gambit in the beginning, but now I am glad that he didn't come. I don't know if he is strong enough to do all of the stuff that we have had to do since we were shipwrecked." Oliver said.

"You make a good point. I don't know that Tommy would have been able to go from spoiled and rich to being a hero like you and Thea did." Sara said.

"That is true. It will be good to see him again though." Thea said.

"Yeah, it will. So, let's get going so that we can get back and get ready for tonight." Oliver said as they left the hotel to go their separate ways so that they could see how their families were doing without them.

. . .

As Oliver, Thea, and Kara reached the Queen Mansion they looked around to see if anything was different from the last time they saw the place. The only thing different on the outside was the three gravestones that had been made for them since they were thought to be dead.

"That is weird seeing your own gravestone. We will definitely have to get rid of those once we get back." Thea said.

"I agree. I don't want anything to jinx us. It can't be good to be home and still have gravestones." Oliver said.

"You are very superstitious, Oliver. I agree with you about getting rid of them, but I don't believe that if we leave them here we will die sooner than we are supposed to." Kara said and with that the three walked toward the mansion to see what they could see.

They snuck inside and made their way to their bedrooms to see that nothing had changed. Once they were done with that they quietly walked downstairs to see if their parents were home. They got to the kitchen and they heard some talking in there. They made their way toward the dining room and saw that their parents were sitting there.

"So, how is the search going for our children, Robert?" Moira asked.

"Nothing as of yet. We have searched all of the islands in the area that the boat went down and nothing as of yet. Maybe Kara got them to safety. I just don't understand why they haven't returned home if that is the case." Robert said and Moira nodded as they went back to eating their breakfast.

The three heroes went to leave the house since they had seen what they needed to see.

"I am glad that they are still trying to find us. It shows that they love us." Thea said.

"I never think that would happen, Speedy. Let's head out and see if we can meet up with the others." Oliver said as they left the grounds of the mansion.

. . .

At the same time the others were at the Queen Mansion, Laurel, Sara and Barry made it to the Lance household. They were surprised to see that Dinah Lance was nowhere in sight and it looked like Quentin was passed out in his recliner with a glass in his hand.

"I don't like the looks of this. It looks like dad is drinking a lot and for some reason mom is not here to stop him from doing that." Laurel said.

"I know. I don't like the looks of this." Sara said.

"We will fix things when we get back. Or at least we will try. There is not much that we can do now." Barry said and the girls nodded in agreement.

"Is there anything else we need to see?" Barry asked.

"No. I think we have seen enough." Laurel said and Sara nodded in agreement.

"Well, I am going to call Oliver and see where we need to meet up so we can check on Tommy." Barry said as he took out his phone to make the call.

. . .

Ten minutes later the team had met up at the Merlyn Mansion to see what they could find out about Tommy. It looked like he was at home, being that his car was parked outside of the mansion.

They snuck inside and made their way to what they knew was Tommy's room. They looked inside and found him still in bed with his clothes on. "Well, it looks like nothing has changed. Still partying and coming home to pass out." Laurel said.

"We weren't that bad Laurel. We were in high school by the way." Oliver said.

"That didn't keep you from getting drunk." Laurel said.

"True. Your sister joined us for most of it." Oliver said.

"I know she did and that was why I was always there with you as well. I wasn't going to let any of you drive with the condition that you were in at those times." Laurel said.

"Thanks for that babe, but you know that i am not that man anymore." Oliver said.

"I know. I think we have seen enough. When we get back, we will have to fix my family and also work on getting Tommy on the straight and narrow." Laurel said and the others nodded as they made their way out of the mansion and back to their hotel so that they could get ready for that night.

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