Chapter 17

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Over the next couple of weeks the heroes continued to train and become as good of fighters as they could before they joined the League of Assassins and became some of the best fighters in the world. It was hard on them, but they knew in the end that this would help them so that when they did join the League, they would already be highly trained fighters.

"Do we really have to continue to do this everyday. It is not like there is anyone else on the island who can hurt us." Sara said during training.

"It is not about the people on the island anymore, Sara. It is about what we are going to face once we are off the island." Oliver said.

"I know I am a little in the dark here, but do you think you can enlighten me about what you guys are talking about?" Shado asked.

"I said that I would tell you what was going on at some point. I guess that now is as good of a time as ever." Sara said.

"The first day we were on the island, this man approached us and told us that we were meant to be great heroes and that we would get training from many different places. The first three places that we would get training was from you, your father, and Slade. After that, we will be rescued by a group called the League of Assassins and learn to fight from them as well. Once we are done with that, we will go home and fight for our city as heroes. That is about it." Sara said not wanting to get their powers right now.

"So, you are waiting for the League of Assassins to get here and take you in. That is interesting." Shado said.

"I guess so. So, I guess that means that you will be going with us since you are here with us." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I will be joining you. I could always use some more skills, and before you ask I will be going to your city and helping you there as well." Shado said.

"Well, it sounds like you have made up your mind and you are just as stubborn as the rest of us." Sara said as the heroes went back to their training.

. . .

A couple of days later Oliver and Laurel were taking a walk along the beach when they saw a ship which made Oliver run and light a fire in the hope of drawing the ships attention. Not long after, they could see that the ship was changing course and coming towards them. Laurel went and got the rest of the heroes and they were now waiting on the beach for the ship to arrive.

"I really hope that this is the League of Assassins. I can't stand this island anymore." Thea said.

"Speedy, I hope you know that once we start our training wherever they are taking us, we will probably want to be back here." Oliver said.

"What makes you say that?" Thea asked.

"I have heard some things about the League of Assassins over the years. I hear that they will teach you how to resist torture. The only way I can think of doing that is to torture you untill you are able to withstand it." Shado said.

"Well shit. Way to make me look forward to this place we are going." Thea said.

"Everything will be fine. Hopefully we can make sure that that part goes quickly so that we don't have to endure it for long." Laurel said to Thea with a wink, which made Thea realize that she could use her powers to make that part of the training go even quicker.

"You're right. I will be fine with all of this training, and then when we are done, we will all be able to kick some ass." Thea said.

"Way to think on the bright side, Speedy." Oliver said as the ship was anchoring down and some small boats started to come to the shore.

"Looks like we are about to find out what we are in for over the next couple of years." Barry said.

"Just remember, it will be well worth it in the end." Kara said and the rest of the heroes nodded.

Not long later, the first boat reached the shore of Lian Yu and a woman got off and approached them. "I am Nyssa, daughter of the Demon. We are here to liberate you from this island. In return, you will join the League of Assassins and serve for as long as we allow it or until your death. Are you willing to serve us? If not, you will be left here."

"We are willing to serve." Oliver said as he looked at the others that nodded in agreement.

"Then kneel and pledge yourselves to the League of Assassins, then we will take you to our ship and once we get home, we will start your training." Nyssa said and the heroes kneeled and pledged themselves to the League.

"Let's get to the ship, then we will talk about your training that you will receive." Nyssa said and the heroes rose and got in the boats that would take them to the ship.

. . .

Once they were on the ship, Nyssa asked if they had any questions.

"What will this training that we will be getting consist of?" Barry asked.

"Many different types of martial arts, resistance to torture, different languages, schooling if you still require it. Pretty much everything that you can think of. As long as it helps the League of Assassins, it is on the table." Nyssa said.

"Sounds interesting." Laurel said.

"It will be. Once you are done with your training, you will all be well rounded individuals. I am especially interested in how this turns out for all of you." Nyssa said.

"I am interested to see who we are once this is all over as well." Kara said.

"Go find yourselves a cot below deck. We will be sailing for the next couple of days, so you might as well get comfortable." Nyssa said.

"Thank you Nyssa." Sara said as the heroes went below deck to find their cots and get some rest.

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