A Liar is Caught

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I walked through the wild wind of the Encanto as the it swiftly blew my hair in an inconvenient direction. I lift up my hand to move my hair before someone makes it before me.

"Here.." Camilo effortlessly maneuvers my hair out of my face. He hold my cheek and lifts it so I can properly look at him.

"I got it." He says with an evil smirk.

I smile and wait for the perfect moment.

We sat at a table with everyone plus Flair.

She smirked as she sat in the sit I was about to sit in and decide to ignore her and just sit in the other seat.

"So today I want to-" Alma speaks but is cutoff by Flair,

"By the way miss, I was wonder why you and the Arias' always are together?" Flair asks suddenly.

"Well- we are close friends. So we stay together due to our oddly similar situations and help each other out." Alma responds. "Oh, well I was wondering if I could move in." Flair says with an innocent smile.

Almas face is a bit shocked for a second but it shifts into a more happy expression.

"Of course! Now everyone, as I was saying before.. Camilo and Flair are a couple!"

Most of the people awkwardly clap or do nothing at all.

"Actually," I speak out looking at the ground with a smile, I lift my head up, "there. some shocking news! Flair is lying! She doesn't love Camilo!" I say dramatically.

Flair scoffs, "Please! She's lying out of jealousy! I love him with my whole soul! I know I may not be the kindest ever, but I really am in love." She put up a fake act creating some fake tears.

"Really?" Taika speaks then smirks, "doubt it."

"Why's that?" Carmen asks.

"Well, Taika and I found a tape, showing some interesting things. Sounds pretty similar to Camilo and Flair talking."

The room falls silent as everyone looks around.

Nervously Alma stutters out, "What is it?"

"A conversation about Flair admiting something quite sad." Isa speaks.

Flairs eyebrows furrow in angry as she cries out, "They really keep bullying me!"

Alma puts out a hand, "One second dear," she turns to Isabella, ",show me." She speaks seriously.

I tilt my head down and look sideways at Flair and smile. She breathes in with an angry expression and stands up slamming her hands on the table.

"I refuse! Refuse to let her lie to you! Before you throw any accusation's, you must hear me out!"

We walk towards a room nicely decorated, with a tape recorder set on the table.

Isabela puts the tape in. The tape named, 'A Liar is Caught'

The static goes a bit as it begins to play,

"I can see why she likes you. Your simple." Almas taken aback after hearing this. She, confused, leans in closer to listen.

"I dont like you." Alma audibly gasps, "But let us be together for a bit. I wanna see that sour look on her face more often. Plus, ill give you the kid your grandmother desires. She won't." Her face scrunches into one of a disgusted one, as Flairs hands roll up into a fist as she grits her teeth with her mouth closed.

"Why are you telling me this?" You could hear Camilo voice shake,

"Because. I dont want you to get any ideas. I see the way you watch her. I have a hunch you dislike her. Didn't she ghost you for like a month? Then didn't even apologize? Its quite funny how shes all about ghosts, and she ghosts people all the time."

Y/N flinches a bit a the last part but then smirks. "This is all a lie! My family all has similar voices, why would I ever do this?" Flair freaks out.

"You lie, a lot." Alma spoke with her back facing Flair.

Flairs eyes widen as she's shocked, "You-.. you don't actually believe this do you?" She cried, shouting out and stomping her foot down like a little kid.

"I'm- not sure." Alma admits as she turns around, "But I suspected this of you, you always seemed fake anyways. I suppose I owe you two and apology." Alma turns to both Y/N and Camilo.

"Wha-what?! N-no.. I- I can at least give you grandkids!"

"Oh! Grandkids aren't a problem. I'm pregnant!" Dolores admits with a smile as everyone turns to her and cheers in shock, and in happiness. They leave the room ignoring Flairs complaints.

As everyone has left, Y/N at the frame of the door looks back smirking,

"Guess the liars been caught." She walks off as Flair growls angrily.



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