Just a friend?

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So far the Madrigals seem nice. After i introduced myself we all went down to the dinner table and sat down. I sat next to Camilo and Dolores. Their gifts seem interesting, Dolores has enhanced hearing and Camilo can shape shift, at least, that's what i've heard.

I continue to eat my dinner while making conversation with the people around me. Dolores and I already are pretty close already. She's sweet and kind. She always whispers though, im guessing because if she talked normally it would hurt her.

"Alright everyone! I think its time to head off to sleep." Carmen says as Alma agrees. The two get along and probably have told each other their life stories already. I show Dolores to her room as i notice Taika show Camilo to his.

"So, what do you think about everyone? In my family i mean." Dolores asks as we walk to her room.

"They seem nice! Very good impressions, and quite funny as well! I think the Madrigals and the Arias's will get along." I say smiling as i open the door to her room.

Her room was a huge library where tall large bookshelves were in circles surrounding her bed, a desk, and couple other things.

She looks in awe.

"Wow! Looks very similar to my room back home." She says as she walks to her bed.

As i'm about to leave she asks me a strange question.

"What do you think about Camilo? My brother."

"He... seems alright. We could be good friends." I say simply looking back.

"Just friends? Alright. Did you notice anything weird about him at dinner?"

Weird about him? Not really. I wasn't really paying much attention to him to be honest.

"No. Why? Was he doing something?" I ask, raising a brow.

Dolores's eyes widen slightly as she shakes her hands,

"No, no. Just asking no reason. But you should get to bed. It's late." She says smiling.

I smile back as i turn and go towards the door. After shutting it i turn to go to my room.


Camilo POV

I don't know why i was so nervous just to sit next to her. Its not like i even know her at all. I cant just fall in love with someone just by their looks. That's like, wrong.

After dinner was finally finished Taika showed me to my room. The entire time smirking.

She clicks her tongue and speaks. "Sooo~ what'cha think about ma' cousin? Y/N?"


"She's uhm. Cool. Why?"

"Nothing, just. Thought it was strange how ya looked at her."

"I didn't look at her in any way.. at least if i did.. i didn't mean to."

She smirks and looks back as we arrive to my room. She then turns her head back around and opens the door. Just what i was expecting. A room full of mirrors and a bed in the corner.

"Woah, wasn't expecting that."

"Heh, yeah lots of mirrors." I stand in the middle of the room looking at each mirror. Trying to avoiding my own gaze and nervousness but everywhere i looked was just me starring back.

"Do ya know tomorrow we're all gonna go out with a duo? To like get to know each other? I think Mariah told everyone."

"Uhm, no."

"Oh well she said i was assigned with Dolores. She told me who you were with."

"Who?" She smirked and turned around reaching the door. She flipped her hair and looked back, still smirking.

"Oh, you'll find out."

She left and shut the door. I can only imagine she was teasing me. Already been barely a day and it felt like Taika and I were close friends. But what concerned me was, was i that obvious?

Pfft, i don't even like her.

She's someone i just met.




Dolores POV


I was sleeping comfortably in my bed until i received a message through my brain by Mariah.

'Hey come to my room. Second door to your left.'

I was curious what she wanted so i walked to her room quietly. Slowly twisting her door knob and opening the door.

'Come in. We need to talk about something.'

I also saw Taika and Isabela there. I already knew what was going on. We're talking about the way Camilo was acting. I supposed maybe Mariah felt his thoughts and knows why he's looked so nervous.

'He likes her.'

"Really? Already?" Isabela spoke.

"Well it was obvious. That constant side eye while looking at her. He's very bad at hiding it." Taika spoke.

"Well he's very bad at trying to be smooth. I've heard him before. Its bad." I said

"Should we try helping?" Isa suggested.

'Maybe wait a bit. Until it's really confirmed. It seems he's confused right now. Let's mind our business for now.' Mariah advised.

"Yeah sure, but a little teasing won't hurt."

Everyone looked around at eachother

"Mmh, Yeaaah" We all said.

Seems like everyone here is already close friends.


Third person POV

The next day each member staying at the Arias's house gathered together at the breakfast table as they ate. Everyone chatting loudly while Camilo sat in silence with his own thoughts.

Taika looked at him and shoved his arm with her elbow.

"Hey dude, what's with the droopy face?" She spoke as she drew and frowns face.

"O-oh! Uhm it's nothing just uh- thinking- anyway, i was wondering, who was i paired up with?" He spoke quickly changing his mood. Smiling while questioning.

"Hey Taika, pass the salt." Isabela called. Distracting Taika but also avoiding his question.

"So your gift. How useful is it back home?" Taika asks changing the subject as Camilo still questions who he could possibly be spending the day with.

Dolores sat next to Mariah. As she thought and Mariah sent messages. Basically talking the whole time but no one heard.

"Alright everyone, we all done eating?" Carmen asks as everyone looks at her nodding or saying out loud a quick response.

"Today we thought we could have duos spend time to get to know each other." Alma spoke as she and Carmen stood up.

"We will be talking for today, and for the other groups, Mariah, send the messages please." Carmen says as she looks at Mariah.

She nods and sends a vibration message.

Everyone smiles as they look to the person they're paired up with.

Camilos eyes widen, both at the fact that he realized Taika probably didn't know who he was paired with, because she looked just as shocked as everyone else, but she definitely was teasing.

Either way, her assumption was right. Camilo was paired to hang out with Y/N.

Hope u enjoyed the chap.

Pls leave any suggestions for future chapters and such!

next chapter with be out shortly.

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