Your Single?

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Camilos POV
I got up from my seat and walked towards the front doors as other people opened them, it wasn't until this moment i realized how pretty Asombrosa really was.

I finally turn around to Y/N standing in front of me. I grow tense as she begins to speak,

"So i have a couple chores to do first. If you want you can wait in the house or something until im finished."

I breathe in,
"Oh uh it's fine, i can accompany you.. if you want."

"Oh, sure i dont mind." She brightly smiled as she floated towards where she had to go.


We arrived at a small house, as Y/N pushed the door open there were about five kids and a mother,

"Darling! Your here! Thank goodness. Now i'll be on my way, have fun!" The mother leaves quickly. Viana turn facing me.

"I'm a baby sitter. Hope you do well with kids." She says raising a brow smiling.

"Oh yeah of course! Im pretty good with them." I say smiling as one of the kids grab onto Y/N skirt slightly tugging on it.

"Y-Y/N, Who's that?" The young child speaks as she points up at me.

"Oh, Just another baby sitter here to look after you!" She says while picking up the child smiling.

"Don't worry he doesn't bite. I hope.." She says side eyeing me as she turns and floats towards the main room all the kids stay in. Lots of toys and beds for each one of them.

One of the kids bumped into me and i turn around crouching down gently helping them up.

"Woah little one. You alright?" I ask as the kid looks up at me.


I hope i'm not annoying Camilo by bringing him to my baby sitting stuff. But after all he said he didn't mind so...

After changing a babies diaper in a different room i come back and see Camilo telling the kids a story. He spoke in different voices as he shape shifts into the different characters.

"And the sad princess was then saved by the prince! And they lived happily ever after." He finished changing back to himself.

I fly over to him,

"What was with the funny story?" I say as i was still holding the baby form earlier in my arms.

"A little girl fell down and started crying. So i told her a cool story to calm her down. Other seemed interested so they listened too. I also decided to add some.. dramatics." He spoke while smiling and making gestures. He seems very similar to Taika.

"Interesting." I had never really been too good with kid. Only ever really being able to calm them down by just singing them a basic lullaby. I guess you could say i was impressed by how easily Camilo cheered up all the kids.


I was preparing food for the kids as i saw one of them running off as Camilo chased. Them both giggling. Except Camilo wasnt Camilo. He was basically a clone looking version of the first kid running.

The kid runs and hides behind me.

"Help me Y/N! Only a magical princess can lift the curse of another me!"

I laugh and bend down.

"Alright, we'll i here by say, with my mAgIcAl pOwErS, that you are banished! Banished from being a curse to him!"

After saying that Camilo suddenly acts as if he dramatically died.

"Oh no! The magical princess has banished me!" As he shape shifted back to Camilo and everyone let a small giggle.

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