Chapter 9: Override

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The whole arena was confused upon seeing the participating members of Raven Tail scattered across the arena. Each members looked like they have been beaten badly by a very powerful magic.

And that really is what happened. The confusing battle of Laxus and Alexei was actually just an illusion created by the Raven Tail guild master Ivan Dreyar, who for some reason is one of the beaten people on the arena. The surrounding council guards did not hesitate to arrest the said guild master for disobeying the strict rules of the prestigious games. Soon came the announcement for the disqualification of Raven Tail and their right to participate in the annual Grand Magic Games was revoked for the next few years.

Of course, most of the spectators are delighted by the decision of the administration because they were not exactly a fan of the former dark guild and their refusal to display sportsmanship. However, one mage in particular was very frustrated of the current developments. That person is no other than Natsu Dragneel.

"You selfish bastard, Laxus! You hogged all the fun in beating the shit out of them!"

While the other Fairy Tail members just laughed it off, this sudden outburst of his inspired both Gray and Gajeel, the two other fight-obsessed mages, to do the same. Of course their anger is somewhat justified for them because they just can't accept that someone else has all the fun in beating Raven Tail by himself.

However, right beside Natsu, Juvia was giggling happily. It wasn't only because their team once again scored high, but for some other reasons. "Fufufu."

"Hey, what are you laughing at, Juvia?"

"You know what this means, right, Natsu-kun?"

Natsu stopped for a moment, trying to guess what Juvia was laughing at. Sure, she has any reason to be joyful about the outcome of the games, But for some reason, her laughter was not about his antics. It was a sly one like she just won a bet...

"No, you don't!" he exclaimed.

"Juvia beat a Raven Tail member during the first game, right? Now that Raven Tail is out of the games, our bet is now over with Juvia having a score of one while you have zero!" Juvia then smiled proudly on her victory.

"Aah! You're right! I'm so gonna punch Laxus when he gets here!"

Mira noticed that Natsu and Juvia shared a somewhat inside conversation. Although she kinda likes the development between them, she was curious of what they were talking about. That is why she snuck up to the two opposite element mages and clung to each other's shoulders, surprising both of them.

"Eh, you two are sharing jokes to yourself, huh? Let me join too!"

And just as what Mira expected, both Natsu and Juvia immediately turned their gazes away from each other with a flushed cheeks. For her, teasing potential couples are very fun to do.

"N-Nothing, Mira-san. We just had a bet on who had more wins against Raven Tail members." Juvia bashfully explained.

"Judging from what I've heard, it seems that Natsu lost that bet. Am I right?"

With that, Natsu just faced down in embarrassment knowing that the bet was his idea in the first place. He will not say any more words because he knows how bad Mira can get when it comes to teasing.

"Yes, I lost."

However, Mira has a different teasing in mind. It is something that was not really meant for Natsu knowing how dense he is. Mira already have some suspicions about the two of them due to their sudden closeness.

"Hey, don't worry, Natsu. I'm sure you already won something from Juvia." she said close to Natsu's ear while winking to Juvia.

"What was tha-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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