Chapter 4: Vermilion

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It's been a whole week since the three departed on a job. However, they weren't aware of what day is it because they had so much fun camping all the way home that they have lost track of the days.

And now, Natsu, Happy, and Juvia stood in front of the guild house, confused on why it's locked even though it's already late afternoon. Usually at this time of the day, the guild is already as loud as it can get.

"So... Is the guild opening or not?" Happy asked.

Natsu is just as lost as he is. Well, not like he haven't seen the guild house closed before. For all they know, maybe they jist lost track of the date and today is Sunday because the guild is closed during this day of the week.

"I don't know. Oh well, I'll open it myself!

Lifting his right feet off the ground, he was about to kick the door of the guild house open when he suddenly noticed the folded paper inserted at the gap between the double doors. His vigor from earlier turned to curiosity as he pulled the paper out and unfolded it. Written there was a message from the leader of his former team

- Natsu, I'm sure you're the one who will open this so let me tell you something important. Master Makarov decided that we should participate in the Grand Magic Games. As the event is still three months away, everyone in the guild is given permission to train for the whole period. Me and the team went to the beach to train there so feel free to go there if you want to. The event will be held at Crocus on the first of July so try to meet us there the day before or else a punishment will be due. Also, if you happen to see Juvia, please tell her about the games.

Erza -

After reading the letter, he felt pumped up, or in his words "fired up". He still doesn't have enough knowledge about this Grand Magic Games but he knows that this will obviously be a contest of magical prowess. And if the master wanted them to train, that only means that there will be fights as a part of the event.

"Alright! I'm fired up now!" he exclaimed.

This gathered the attention of the two who's still oblivious of why a letter would evoke such emotions from

"What did the letter say, Natsu-san?" Juvia asked.

"This!" He handed the letter to Juvia just because he's not good at explaining it himself. This is done with his signature smirk.

Juvia took the paper in his hands and read its contents. Well, as a member of Fairy Tail, she's still excited but not on the same level as her current dragon slayer partner.

"So Natsu-san, do you want to go train with them at the beach?"

As Juvia spoke something about his teammates, they both immediately formed a bit of a frown on their faces. True, they still haven't gotten over their issues with the team.

However, Natsu suddenly beamed with excitement as if he just came up with a great idea. The two was once again startled by dragon slayer's sudden shift in emotions.

"What is it this time, Natsu? Are we going to them? Because I'm very open to the idea of going to the home of fishes." This time, it's Happy who asked.

"No, not like that. I'm actually thinking of training together with Juvia. I think we would improve much faster if we are constantly fighting with our elemental weakness."

Juvia listened to him and then agreed to his statement. It's true that her water is an easy counter to his fire, but the same can also be said from his lightning to her water. It is such a great, possibly the best opportunity for them to improve much faster than their usual training routines, although her improvement will be a little bit held back as her improvement relies on Natsu's lightning in which he isn't used to yet.

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