Chapter 3: Left Behind

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It's already late afternoon. The street lamps are lighted and the people are gathered around many set of tables covering less than a hundred meters of the road. Basically, the whole road is their dining hall for their festivities.

Due to the defeat of the water drakes, the village threw an impromptu feast, celebrating the return of their days of fishing in the lake without worries. The feast itself wasn't that grandiose, it's the laughter and smiles of the villages that made the feast bigger than it really was.

The three fairies offered half of the killed water drakes for them to cook.  Their surprisingly delicious meat are cooked into various dishes which were placed on each tables along with other local delicacies.

At the end of the table sat Natsu, Juvia, and Happy, eating to their hearts content. It's only fair that they ate like a pig, well Natsu and Happy are, since they've been enduring their hunger while waiting for the drakes to be cooked.

"Natsu, I wanna go to vacation here sometime! Look at all these fishes!" Happy happy said with a lot of fish servings in front of him.

"I think it's a good idea, Happy. Although we can't have these water drake delicacies anymore next time."

And just like that they resumed to rapidly filling their abysmal stomach like there's no tomorrow. Unlike the two, Juvia just ate at a rather slow pace, savoring each type of food. However, if there's something the three would agree, it's that the food and the people here are great.

On their table, they are also joined by the chieftain, who's now wearing a rather relaxed and joyful expression compared to the first time they've seen her.

"Ahem. I may have already said it to you earlier but... Let's me just thank you for accepting and finishing the job, Fairy Tail wizards."

"No problem, ma'am. That's what us wizards are for." Juvia replied.

"As for the reward, we regrettably only have 50,000 jewels ready for payment. We deeply apologize for this miniscule payment for such a dangerous job."

This time, it's Natsu who replied to the chieftain. "Nah, don't worry ma'am, we're not really here for the money. Plus the feast is great, the best I have in a while!"

"Oh, such a noble mage you are. I think I didn't know your names yet. Mind telling me?"

That's right. They haven't really introduced their selves as they immediately went to look for the drakes before they could do so. To be honest, this is one of the reasons why Natsu is known by his moniker "Salamander". He mostly doesn't bother something fancy like introducing names while on a job that's why his previous clients just named him after a fire lizard of legend.

"I'm Natsu, and these are Happy and Juvia." he introduced while pointing to his teammates who waved at the chieftain.

"I see. I think we still haven't paid enough so just ask anything and we'll try to give it to you."

Natsu thought about it for a second. For him, he doesn't really have anything he wants at the moment. Well, the food is already a bonus as his main objective here is just to take Happy to a quest of his choice and to distract himself from the less than proper statement he heard from his teammates.

He turned to Juvia if she has something in mind. "Juvia, you decide. Maybe you have something you want. I mean, me and Happy pretty much have what we want with all these food so..."

"Eh, what Juvia wants? Let Juvia think for a moment."

Despite how she previously acts around Gray due to her infatuation, Juvia is actually serious when it comes to decision-making. So she thought hard on what would the three of them would benefit from that isn't money.

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