Chapter 6: Approaching Original Violence

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There was a tension emanating from the two teams of the same guild as they are in front of each other in a face-off.

Two members of the first team in particular are almost staring daggers at the pink haired dragon slayer. Yes, Gray and Lucy haven't came on terms with the fact that Natsu's team bested them at the preliminaries. Gray is also being seen glancing a few times to his former admirer who stood beside the fire mage.

It is not that she actually hated Natsu, well, besides how their last quest went. It is just that they rarely seen him at the opposing side rather on their own. For as long as Lucy could remember, Natsu has always been on his side. In fact, no matter how much she hates to admit it, she is actually crushing on him. So seeing him as her opponent felt very wrong for her.

As for Gray, it was a completely new experience for him to not receive Juvia's antics about loving him or something of that kind. Although the experience was quite refreshing, there was this unsettling feeling that he is not the target of her affections anymore.

However, Natsu and Juvia were staring at another person from the other team. With their eyes seen with a frown and a slight twitching, they stared at other dragon slayer in front of them. Their stares were so intense that the other members of both teams were slightly taken back.

"If fight is what you're looking for then I won't back down." Gajeel smirked while taking a stance.

The two continued their stare until Natsu finally cracked up a laugh. Juvia soon followed, causing others to be confused by the gesture. Why they were frowning earlier is because they were restraining their laughter.

"Pfft- Nothing... Just... Your clothes... Pfft!" Natsu said in between his laughs.

"Yeah Gajeel-kun, you in purple is just... Pfft!"

The reason the both of them were laughing is because Gajeel is wearing a purple version of his normal attire, which actually looked kind of feminine because of the said color. (A/N: Can't help it. I tried editing his GMG attire to purple and the result is... weird to say the least.)

As for Natsu's attire, the only thing that was being changed was the trimmings of his vest now white instead of the usual orange.

"Oi, not you too Ameonna!" Gajeel complained with a visible blush from embarrassment.

"Don't say that Gajeel-kun, you look cute in that outfit!" Mirajane further rubbed salt to the wound by commenting.

Everyone began laughing from Gajeel's reaction, except for Erza who was kind of insulted by their reaction to her choice of color. With that, her aura suddenly darkened that didn't go unnoticed by both Natsu and Juvia; the initiators of the laughter.

"And what's wrong with purple, Natsu?" Erza glared at him, causing him to immediately halt his laughter.

"Ah... Uh... Yeah, it looks good." Natsu replied.

"At least we're clear on that."

However, everyone from Team A cannot help but notice the sudden closeness of Juvia and Natsu, something that they have never witnessed before. What they expected is that Juvia will rush towards Gray in an obsessive manner, but that event didn't came.

They were interrupted by the sudden cheer from the crowd. The cheer was so loud that it defeats the collective cheers from the rest of the participating teams.

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