Investigative Abandons

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It all made sense when something - someone appeared out of the decrepit door frame. Someone hauntingly familiar who you never thought you would have to face again. It was your pá.

You blankly stared at your father with a cold expression painted across your face. 

What is this place? What could possibly be planned?

These questions replayed over and over in your head like an unstoppable wheel of fortune that someone kept spinning.

This wasn't your old home. This wasn't familiar. You were across the globe for all you knew.

Your father began walking towards you. You subconsciously straightened your back, but furrowing your brows. You were ready to confront him if need be.

You opened your mouth to speak, but came to a halt. You quickly realized he was not walking towards you - he was walking past you.

The pale, ghost-like expression that seeped onto your face when you first saw your father quickly changed to red. You watched in complete and utter fury as his black eyes did not look down to meet yours. As he walked on by as if you were not there.

Not that this wasn't his usual self, but this was a bit of a different circumstance. You were the number one person to help his plan succeed... weren't you? Wouldn't he have something to say to you?


Not even a single word?

No matter how much you hated your father, you still longed for his approval. You tried so desperately to shut that part out, but when you're near him, it proves to be difficult.

You still want him to love you like a father should.

Your anger quickly dispelled as you realized something; you realized what direction he was headed in.

Just past you was the wagon that Camilo was situated in.

"No," you began softly. 

"No," you said, your voice projecting louder as you began to move in the direction your body was twisted.

"No!" You cried as you felt the force of hands pull you back down, your father making his way directly in front of Camilo.

Your father stood still, his hands behind his back. Camilo looked up at your father with a stubborn glare in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Your father spoke to Camilo in a harsh and brassy tone.

Camilo did not blink, nor move a muscle. He stayed exactly in that stubborn position.

"I said, who are you?" Your father did not change his tone or inflection, but you knew something was coming if Camilo didn't answer.

"Camilo, please," you whispered to yourself, hoping it would somehow reach him.

Camilo still did not say a word.

Just like that, your father raised the back of his hand and struck Camilo across the face. You could feel the sting just by watching. 

"What is your name?" Your father asked Camilo the same question once again. Your father doesn't normally give this many chances. He doesn't believe in them.

Camilo's head was hung low from the slap, but he slowly turned to fix his gaze on your fathers once again.

Camilo, please don't stir the pot.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Oh, hell.

Your father was preparing to raise the back of his hand to him once again, before one of the men chimed in.

"It's the shapeshifter, Camilo, sir."

Your fathers hands relaxed behind his back once more.

"Ah, Camilo. Young, arrogant. Perfect." Your father turned around and began slowly walking back to the abandoned building that he came out from. As he walked past you, still not acknowledging you, he raised one of his hands and made a circle motion with his finger.

Almost in an instant, you felt yourself get firmly grabbed by the arms and pulled out of the wagon. You put up a struggle, but it was to no avail. You watched as they did the same to Camilo.

What could my father possibly be planning?

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now