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You pulled out the keys from your pocket once more, squinting as they shone off the sun. "I'm figuring this out, one way or another."

Pepa must be in a good mood today, you thought to yourself, feeling the warmth of the pavement seep through the soles of your shoes.

"How far is it?" Your brother asked, holding the side of your hand with his fingers.

You glanced around at your surroundings, checking for any landmarks that could give you an estimate as to how close you were to the inn. "Not too far, manito. Only a few minutes away from the house," you assured him.

As you were looking around, your vision was suddenly obstructed. You let go of your little brother's hand to move yours up to the blockage.

"Guess who?" You heard a familiar voice ring out in a song from behind you.

Your hand fell back down to your side, your shoulders relaxing as you realized what was blocking your sight. "Ah, very original Camilo," you responded with sarcasm.

"I know, right?" Camilo moved his hands away from your eyes, your vision becoming clear once again. You were greeted with Mirabel standing in front of you, Camilo making his way next to her.

You tilted your head to the side as you noticed Mirabel.

"You're up..." As you trailed off, no one said anything in response. They stayed silent, expectant of a follow up. You put your head back to its original position. "That's it. You're up. Wow."

Camilo put a hand to his mouth with a snort. Mirabel scoffed into a chuckle.

"Aye, don't give me such a hard time," she said, playfully shoving your shoulder. She lowered her voice into a whisper. "Being a spy is hard work!"

The three of you shared a laugh, Camilo noticing Gabriel by your side.

"Hey hey, hombrecito!" Camilo said with enthusiasm, morphing into a replica of your brother. He put his hand out in a fist, leading Gabriel into a fist-bump. You felt your heart warm up.

Not many people could make Gabriel feel as comfortable as he was with you, but Camilo's presence almost seemed to do the trick. Almost. That was pretty good, in a Gabriel sense.

Camilo and Gabriel's chatter faded into the background as Mirabel's voice swam through your ears.

"Where are you off to?" She asked, straightening the folded strap of the bag that was slung around her shoulder.

"Just picking up some final things we left at the inn," you told her, flashing the room key looped around your finger.

Mirabel shot you a bright smile. "Finally all moved in, huh?" She softly clapped her hands together in glee. "It's official!"

You returned her smile. "Seems like it!" You put the keys back into the pockets of your flowing skirt. "Wanna come with?"

Mirabel scratched her head with her pointer finger. "Hm, I'll need to check my schedule..."

You playfully nudged her hand away from her head as a chuckle was shared between the two of you.

"Of course we do," Mirabel responded to your question with delight. "Camilo!" She called out to her cousin, who was still in the form of your little brother. He ended his conversation and morphed back to himself, into a salute.

"Yes ma'am!" He said, straightening his posture. You couldn't help but laugh. He stole the energy of whatever setting he was in.

Noticing your reception, he flashed you a wink. You put a hand to your chin, the tips of your fingers only slightly covering your smile.

Mirabel playfully rolled her eyes.

"We've gotta help Y/N move the rest of her things," she explained.

"On it," Camilo responded, morphing into Luisa. Gabriel's eyes lit up, Camilo bending down to offer a high-five.

You laughed, reaching over to squeeze Camilo's 'Luisa' arm.

"Wow, they almost feel real," you kid. Camilo's mouth hung open as he jokingly scoffed.

"These are one-hundred percent authentic, I'll have you know," he responded, flexing in Luisa's form.

"Prove it," you challenged, crossing your arms.

Camilo's eyes narrowed towards you like playful daggers. "Make me." Excitement was electrified through the air.

The surge was interrupted by the clearing of Mirabel's throat. Her fixed gaze trailed between you and Camilo, a hand on her hip. She bit back a laugh.

"Mhm," she said, dusting off her right shoulder. You and Camilo both held back the blush of embarrassment that resided in your faces as you snapped back into reality.

You took hold of your brother's hand once again. "Let's get going, shall we?"


"Hola Benjamín," you greeted the innkeeper as you made your way to the staircase. He gave you and your group a friendly wave.

Moseying up the splintered wooden stairs, Mirabel produced a sigh.

"What's up with you?" Camilo remarked at her.

"I'm a little over stairs right now," she said. "You don't want to know what I had to go through to get this," she added as she pat her bag, referencing to the sharp contents inside.

As you made your way to the door of your, now former, inn room, Gabriel tugged on the base of your shirt.

"Yeah?" You asked, looking down at him.

"Can I open the door?" Gabriel asked you with excitement. You chuckled.

"Sure, manito," you said as you handed him the keys from your pocket. He struggled, but it didn't take long for the door to open with a push.

You all entered one by one, examining the room to see where your belongings were placed.

Camilo immediately plunged himself onto the bed, extending his arms behind his head.

"Alright, let's get to work everyone," he said as he pulled a pillow towards him. Mirabel hit his leg. A pillow could be seen flying towards her.

You rolled your eyes and chuckled as you walked over to the dresser to set the keys down, while simultaneously checking the drawers to confirm there were no clothes or any of Gabriel's trinkets left behind.

Nope. Nothing.

As you leaned back, ready to face the disastrous cousins, you lost your balance.

Woah, what was that?

You stood still for a moment, retracing your steps.

You didn't just trip by accident, it felt as though something tripped you itself.

You extended your foot out to where you were originally standing, applying pressure to the floorboards.

One moved.

Your expression fell puzzled as you continuously applied and released pressure to this floorboard, watching as it moved inward, an object peeking out from underneath it. You were about to investigate further, until-

"Y/N!" You heard your name being called out by both Mirabel and Camilo. "Come help me-" "No, help me!"

You scoffed as you began to make your way over to the two play-fighting. You returned a glance over to the dresser area once more, pausing in place.


"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" You continued on and dove between the two, placing them both in a light headlock, ruffling their hair.

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now