Wake Up Call

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Without another word needing to be said, you slowly began to drift off to sleep in his arms, as peacefully as was possible.

The night was tranquil. Funnily enough, given the circumstances, this was the best you've slept in weeks. Maybe it was because you were in his arms, or maybe it was because you were so exhausted that your body couldn't take it anymore.

Both were probably true.

No matter the reason, you sure didn't waste it. You sucked in every hour, every minute, every second of sleep that you could, all while with the one person you didn't want to leave your side.

If this moment could have stayed still forever, you would have let it.

Unfortunately, like most days, you wake up. You wake up against your will, whether that be because of an impromptu wake up call, a nightmare, or simply enough that it was time for your brain to wake up.

This day was no different.

You lazily blinked your eyes open, finding yourself curled up into Camilo's chest, his arm swung over you.

You tried to move to look around as gently as you could, but it didn't find itself to be too subtle. 

Camilo's arm slowly retreated from you, putting his hands up to his eyes as he rubbed them open.

"Morning," he groggily but cheerfully said, most likely forgetting where the two of you were.

"Hey," you said, biting your inner cheek. 

You sat up, brushing off the dirt that stuck to your clothes. With each second that passed, your brain began to wake itself up. And as it began to wake itself up, the more you became aware. And the more you became aware, the more you remembered the empty spot that resided in your stomach.

You groaned as you placed your hand to your head, feeling a slight dizziness loom over you.

"You okay?" Camilo said feebly, still attempting to wake up.

"Yeah, yeah," you quickly reassured. "There's no way you could shape-shift into food though, could you?"

Camilo's eyebrow raised, an amused grin meeting his lips. 

"Unfortunately, no," he responded. "But, even if I could, what are you saying? That you'd just eat me with no remorse?"

You playfully furrowed your eyebrows, putting a pointed finger to your chin.

"Hm..." You pretended to think about your options. "Yeah."

Camilo's mouth widened as he playfully shoved you from his position. The two of you shared a laugh until the space was quiet once again.

"Yeah..." Camilo said quietly. "Even if I wanted to, I don't think I can shift into anything right now."

You looked back at him, confusion and concern seeping into your eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Camilo sighed, putting a hand to his temple.

"The candle is gone, Y/N."

Your eyes flashed with all sorts of emotion, trying to process what he had just said.

"What? Camilo, what? Excuse-"

Camilo finally sat up, putting a hand to your shoulder.

"I know, I know," he concurred your confusion.

"How- what- when did this even happen?!" Your voice began to raise, and most likely would have continued if Camilo didn't gesture for you to keep down your tone.

"I think the night you left," he explained. "There was so much happening, casita felt weak... it was perfect."

Your jaw clenched at the realization of why you were kidnapped. Your mother had already stolen the candle.

"How- how did I not see?"

Camilo slung his arm around your shoulder.

"Y/N, it's not your fault. Don't put this on yourself."

You looked over to Camilo's caring eyes as you began to rest your head on his shoulder.

"So, what now?" Your question was a hard one to answer. No one knew what to do next.

As you sat in each others silence, processing your situation, it was no longer silence. You heard the faded clopping of horse hooves aggressively making their way closer to you.

You and Camilo looked at each other, panic striking fast.

Adrenaline began pumping, and you knew there were but two options - to either grab Camilo's hand and make a run for it, or stay put, hoping to keep hidden.

What will it be?

Make a run for it

Stay put

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now