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Stay put won!

In horror and quick thinking, you dove for Camilo and pressed the both of you as against the side of the dirt under the overhang. You held in a sharp breath, your body frozen still.

You felt Camilo's hand reach over to yours, tightly locking in as the two of you waited in anticipation for the feeling of hooves pounding on the ground to subside.

While them being anywhere near you was too close for comfort, it thankfully did not grow close enough to be seen.

The aggression of the clopping faded into the distance just as fast as it approached, and your shoulders relaxed as your heart caught up to you.

"We need to get out of here," Camilo mouthed.

You nodded in agreement, standing up slowly and carefully, checking the surrounding area before gesturing Camilo over to you.

"Now what?" You looked over to Camilo, then looked around at the surrounding forest.

"I say we go that way," Camilo pointed in the direction of where the horses were heard approaching from. "They went in the opposite direction."

"I wouldn't say that's a bad idea, but what if we get lost?" You continued to look around, staying on high alert as you figured out your next move.

"We're already lost, Y/N," he said exhaustingly. "Right now, we have to move."

You let out a deep sigh, silently agreeing with your next movements forward.

You didn't have a clue where you were headed, or what direction you came from in the first place. You felt a pang of anger with yourself for not being more vigilant with the marks, by not seeing where they went. Even if it wasn't a way out, it was a way to somewhere

But, then again, who knows what they would have done to Camilo if you hadn't spotted him?

These decisions spiralled in you as you walked down an unknown path with Camilo at your side.

It was silent, mostly out of pure fear, but you figured you were far enough away from the commotion to be able to get a word in.

"So, the candle," you slowly began. "Wow."

"I know," he responded solemnly. "I don't know what we're gonna do."

"How did the family take it?"

Camilo nervously chuckled at your question.

"Like champs," he lightly joked. "Yeah, not uh... not well."

"You mentioned losing your gift...?" You finally asked the hard-hitting question. You watched as Camilo winced, as if he had just gotten swung at.

"Yeah... I don't know what's up with that," he lazily said with nothing more.

You didn't want to pry, considering he most likely knew just as much as you did. There was no need for it to be more uncomfortable than it already felt.

"Well, I'm not going to miss your impressions of me," you said in an attempt to dispel the tension.

You watched a smirk paint across Camilo's face.

"Oh, I can still nail it," he said, the last words in emphasis with a high-pitched voice. You playfully nudged him.

"I really did miss you, Camilo."

His devilish grin morphed into a genuine smile.

"I missed you too."

You felt your heart warm, slightly dispelling the anxious thumping of your heart.

Your sentiment was cut short with a dreadful, familiar sound once again. The faded, growing ever so closer sound.

The clopping.


In an almost annoyance, you eyed Camilo for some direction on where to take this. There was no way you could outrun a horse, but if you ran now, maybe you would lose it. Or, you could surrender, maybe try and strike up a deal. Though, it's not guaranteed that would work.

What should you do?



Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें