The Arrival - Chapter 1 (Part 1)

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"Y/N, mi niña, can you check the map por favor?" Your mother requested of you with haste in her voice. We had been on the road for at least 4 days, and the trip was getting exhausting.

How much farther could we possibly be? Does Encanto even exist at this point?

You felt yourself growing more frustrated with every clop of the horses' hooves.

Dirt. That's all there was. Dirt. The soft pounding of the trot consistently reminded you of that.

"Keep going straight amá, up this hill," you gently instructed her. She did as you said without checking herself, trusting you enough to keep you all in the right direction.

Since she finally had the courage to leave your father, she's been leaning on you for a bond and support. He was in charge of your family financially, and your mother was conditioned to be dependant on him. She turned a blind eye to the fact he was an atrocious man. She was stuck.

There are not words for the unspeakable things that could have happened if he caught you leaving.

While displeased about the length of this venture, you were also relieved that the small village was this hard to find.

Papá could never find us there.

You sorted through the jumble of bags on the back of the horse and pulled out a small, crumpled and water stained sheet of paper.

You carefully read it through, again and again, skeptical that a place like this could exist

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You carefully read it through, again and again, skeptical that a place like this could exist. You furrowed your brow, intensely examining the paper, when Gabriel turned to face you.

"What are you holding Y/N?" Your little brother asked you with a curious expression swallowing his face.

"Just some stuff on the village. I've shown it to you before, manito (bud)," you replied, situating the paper in front of him, while still keeping a tight grip on it.

"Who's your favourite?" He excitedly questioned you, the inflection in his voice moving up. Gabriel was always ready and thrilled to talk about the Madrigals. You found it quite endearing how much he looked up to them.

"We haven't met them yet Gabriel, how could I have a favourite?" You playfully answered. Your face quickly returned to normal when you saw he wasn't keen on playing along.

"Well... shapeshifting does seem intriguing. Ca-mi-lo," you sounded his name aloud and shrugged at your brother.

Gabriel commenced his twenty-minute long tangent on Luísa. You didn't want to ignore him, but tuning this conversation out became a routine.

"Oh Dios mío!" Your shocked mother exclaimed, which snapped you out of your daydreaming.

Your mother pointed frantically ahead. "Y/N, Gabriel, look!"

You froze when you saw what was ahead. Through the thick, emerald green forest leaves, there was an abundance of colour. There was life. A stream adjacent to us, shimmering with fresh water.

There it was.


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