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It was settled. The routine sound of footsteps walking across the bridge rung through your ears, wandering off into the night once more.

Whether it be from deep exhaustion, that you could not bother to senselessly worry anymore, or both, you had actually been sleeping. Soundly, one could even say.

"Eat up, conejito!" Lightly putting, it was difficult for you to cope. The only way that you felt like you had some tangible control in this spiral was to act as if nothing was amiss.

There was no "past life". There was no papá. There was absolutely nothing Mirabel had found on that night three days ago, hinting to your past that's finding you and creeping its way into your new life, following you everywhere you go that you'll never be able to truly get set free from-

Yeah, nothing was wrong.

"Changua?" Gabriel questioned as you tossed the dish in front of him.

"A top tier breakfast!" You said enthusiastically, shooting a beaming smile at him.

Gabriel lowered his head, fixating on his twiddling thumbs. "You're different," he pointed out. He looked at you as if you were unrecognizable.

Your face froze, unsure on how to respond to him. You knew you weren't yourself, but you were not about to explain to your six year old brother the ins-and-outs of your late-night ventures, causing the surfacing of unwanted trauma. You had protected him your whole life, you weren't going to stop now.

You made breakfast. That was that.

"What do I smell in here?" Your mother spun around the corner, out of her room, a curious glint in her eyes. "Did someone else make breakfast?"

"Indeed, mamá," you said as you filled a bowl, setting it down by her place at the table.

As your mother took a spoonful to her lips, she sent you a warm smile. "Tell me again why you don't cook for us more often, mija?"

You made a clicking sound through your teeth. "Mm, I'll have to get back to you on that one."

Your mother shook her head and grinned, taking another spoonful of the changua that was placed in front of her.

For a moment, it was as if nothing had fallen out of place. You were a family, prattling and smiling as the small rays of the golden morning sun sneaked its way through the window covering. You were having breakfast. Eating. Things felt normal.

As you reached to grab everybody's empty bowls, your mother praised you once again. "That was perfect, Y/N." Your mother stood up, grabbing her bag from the coat rack and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Where are you off to, má?" You gave her a side-eye as you placed the dishes into the sink, pumping the water on.

She put a hand to her hip. "Who are you, my mother?" You shared a chuckle before she explained.

"I need to go out for a bit. Got some errands to tend to," your mother said, reaching into her bag. "Not sure when I'll be back, so here." She pulled her hand out, an object nestled in her palm. "Take the house keys in case you want to go out."

You heard the clank of metal touching the surface as she placed the keys down on the counter.

"Oh!" Your mother quickly added, reaching into her bag once more. "I need you to grab some final things we left at the inn," she said while pulling her hand out, along with another key. "Can you do that today?"

You froze at the word 'inn'. "Sure, mamá," you affirmed, rinsing off the dishes.

"Thanks, Y/N," she said with gratitude, resting her hand on the back of your head before stepping out the door.

You reached over to grab the keys, holding the both of them in your hand. You paused in place.

Wait, what?

You looked down into your palm, examining the keys you took hold of. Something was different.

You didn't recognize them.

You quickly flipped through memories in your head, trying to distinguish what the keys you had found in your mothers bag that night looked like.

Maybe it was just the lighting that night, you tried to convince yourself, making a few good points.

It could be the same keys?

Maybe it truly was just the lighting. It was in the dead of night, after all. Or maybe it wasn't even worth being suspicious over. Keys aren't inherently suspicious.

Still, you couldn't shake the sinking feeling that grew like a gaping hole in your chest. The one that told you something wasn't right. The one that kept you tossing and turning.

You slid the keys into the self-made pockets of your skirt, placing your fingers to your forehead.

"Y/N?" Gabriels voice pierced through the mountains of walls you had put up in thought.

"Yeah, little man?" You put your hand back to your side, straightening your posture.

He stood up, grabbing his now empty cup of orange juice and handing it to you. "Can I come with you?"

You smiled, a breath of unknown tension escaping your lips. "Of course you can, manito," you said, taking the glass from his small hands. "You thought I was just going to leave you here?"

Gabriel shrugged, not saying anything more. You felt a pang of hurt wash over your heart. You never left his side in Salento, and that wasn't changing here. You gently set your hand on top of your brothers' shoulder.

"Please, don't ever worry about me leaving, okay?"

Gabriel nodded his head at your affirming words. You ruffled his hair before turning towards the door. "Come on, let's go to the inn for má." You took his hand and locked the door on your way out, stepping into the morning light.

You pulled out the keys from your pocket once more, squinting as they shone off the sun.

I'm figuring this out, one way or another.

Authors Note:
Apologies if this one seems a little shorter, I've been sick and today is definitely the worst of it, so I've been incredibly tired. That, and also I was going to include part of the next chapter in this one, but decided it would be better as its own thing. Hope everyone is enjoying!

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now