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PSST! If you want, play the video while you read to immerse you in this scene (it is a party, after all)!

Although he let you pass, you felt his gaze trailing along as you walked farther away. You knew that would not be the last time you saw him tonight.

No amount of contemplation could have prepared you for Casa Madrigal. The patterned brick floors welcomed you in, escorting you to the main floor.

There were rows of freshly bloomed flowers, sinking the room in colour. Dimly lit candles wandered up the stairs to a luminescent golden door. It was beautiful, you couldn't look away.

"COMING THROUGH!" In your trance, you heard the resonance of a bright voice headed in your direction. You had barely any time to react and get a look of the bubbly figure before she came crashing into you, dropping her basket full of clutter.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" She pushed up her moss-green glasses by the left lens, promptly lowering to the ground, organizing the fallen assortment of decorations back into the basket. 

You chuckled softly. You didn't know this girl, but her dazzling energy filled the air between you. "You're all good," you said with an easy-going wave of your hand. You pinched the bottom of your dress, dropping yourself down onto the floor with her, passing her stray decor that flew your way.

"Ah, thank you, you don't have to!" You both stood up at the same time, making sure that the basket was secure.

"Mirabel! Mirabel Madrigal," she joyfully introduced herself, showing you her hand. In doing so, the now-full basket began to slip. Her arm flew back to the basket, halting it from falling. She let out a nervous laugh and extended her hand out towards you once again.

"Y/N. Y/N L/N." You recognized her name from the details you had on the village, remembering her gift was a simple question mark. You wondered what it meant, but didn't feel like it was the best moment to press.

She shook your hand with glee. "Have we met before?" Just as she asked, a secondary Mirabel zipped its way in-between you two, slinging its arms over both of your shoulders, pulling you in. 

"Must be tired of this question, huh?" the second Mirabel said, before altering, revealing it to be Camilo. "Of course you haven't, silly Mirabel. She just moved here."

The sudden grasp that you and Mirabel were pulled into caused her to lose grip on the basket, allowing it to slip out of her arms and onto the floor once more. She stared with wide eyes at the ground before letting out an exhausted grunt.

"Camilo!" Mirabel called out in annoyance to her cousin.

"Yikes, my bad prima (cousin)." Camilo said half-heartedly, giving two hard pat-like taps on Mirabel's head. She roughly exhaled through her nose before re-organizing the basket a second time.

"Apologies for... him," Mirabel gestured to him sarcastically. A fake, hurt expression came from Camilo, as he put his hand over his heart. "That's exciting though, a new face in our village! We'll have to hang out, I can show you the ropes."

"I found her first, Mira," Camilo said jokingly, putting his arm around you. He gave you a light squeeze. You hoped he was unable to hear the subtle quickening of your breath. "Wouldn't you say that's my duty?" 

"Sharing is caring, no seas codicioso (don't be greedy)!" She stood up from the ground and turned to face you. "All jokes here, Y/N." Mirabel kept a tight grip on the basket, eyeing Camilo apprehensively. 

"Oh! Where were you before moving here? I love hearing about-" Mirabel was suddenly cut off by Camilo who covered his hand over her mouth.

"Still Colombia, Mira, nothing you don't know already! Speaking of "showing the ropes", I better get Y/N here to the food, wouldn't you say?" He turned to you, but before you could speak, he answered. "Yeah, yeah I'd say so. Come on, vamos!"

Camilo grabbed your shoulders and began pressing on towards the kitchen. You were out of sorts, everything had just happened so quickly. You couldn't get a word in. 

You turned back to see Mirabel playfully rolling her eyes, waving to you.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N!"

"You too, Mirabel!" you called out in response, still in motion with Camilo.

Once you came through to the kitchen, you glared at Camilo in confusion.

"And... what exactly was the point of that?" You asked him, semi-satirically, but also out of genuine perplexity.

"Hm, well..." he craned his neck to face you, leaning on the doorway. "Maybe I am greedy."

Your eyes flickered between him, the wall and the ground. You barely managed to utter a single 'I' before your cheeks flushed. He faced his head to the front, hanging his head and suppressing a laugh.

"Sorry, it's just too easy," he grinned through his words. That little... "Really, I was trying to rescue you."

"Rescue me? From your fun-loving cousin? Right..." You gave him a foolish look.

"You aren't mad, are you?" He made his tone over-exaggerating, making it clear he was joking. "She asked you where you were from, didn't she? You tried to avoid telling me, didn't you? And I, Camilo Madrigal, just saved you from having to tell your life story, didn't I?"

Your expression suddenly softened, realizing what he had done. "O-oh." You looked out at the crowd. "Thanks, Camilo."

He grinned once again. "Please, hold the applause!" He stood on the balls of his feet, raising in hands in the air. You gave him a light nudge and laughed.

Camilo's gaze moved behind you, where a girl with an eye catching red bow waved him over.

"Coming," he said, not changing the volume of his voice, but not talking to you either. His gaze fell back upon you and he bowed. "Duty calls," he said before making his way towards the girl.

You hadn't realized your eyes were following him. That is until he looked back at you, making accidental eye contact. You quickly averted your gaze.

You put your hand to your forehead and sighed, feeling a small smile paint your lips.

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें