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"Write ya' tomorrow," he said through a grin, shooting you a wink. You looked at him one last time before closing the window coverings. "Yes. Yes you will."

It was a change in routine, a routine that you had gotten so used to. 

You ripped out a blank, lined piece of paper from your journal, took the stray pencil from off of your dresser, and began to get dressed for new the day ahead of you. 

You weren't quite sure how it was going to work, but you were sure of one thing - it would still feel as mischievous as ever.

You felt a soft grin fall upon your face, reminiscing on the late nights and plenty laughs that were shared. 

You secured your paper-pencil duo and promptly made your way downstairs, straight to the front door. 

You were so eager for this change of pace, you had forgotten that everything else existed.

"Leaving without breakfast?" You heard your mother call from the table as you flung past her. You slowly turned around, a shrug to your body movements. You quickly reached over and grabbed a banana from the table, waving it towards your mother as you turned back towards the door.

"Stay sa-"

You couldn't hear your mother finish her sentence as you had already shut the door behind you, the morning air hitting your cheeks. You took a breath in, trudging onward towards the bridge.

Camilo never actually told you where the first daytime meet-up would be, but you assumed it would be where is familiar. You felt a smile play on your lips as you remembered - Camilo came to my window last night

Sure, it was extra, but that's Camilo. Your smile grew.

You brought yourself back into place as you reached closer to the bridge. That was when you noticed Mirabel, anxiously pacing as if she were going to get caught. You began to walk across the bridge in her direction, paying close attention as to not make direct eye contact. 

From her right hand, you saw the flash of white paper poking through. As you made your way past her, you were close enough to gently brush shoulders. You felt the slip of an object make its way into your hand from hers. 

Neither of you looked back at each other, only moving forward. When you knew you were far enough away from Mirabel, you carefully unfolded the small, ripped piece of paper. Inside was scribbled with incredibly small writing. 

Meet at the fruit stand in 45 minutes to talk findings!

You quickly folded the paper back up into its tiny form. Findings.

It was hard to know where to start with just one head instead of three, without the bickering from Camilo or the innovation from Mirabel.


A spark started in your thoughts, and you remembered you still had time to investigate the floorboards. This wasn't necessarily linked to you in anyway, and could help push the group forward. Additionally, the 'I forgot something' method could work. It's only been one night, after all. 

You abruptly stopped in your tracks, changing directions for towards the inn.


The sound of a bell rung through the quaint lobby as you walked through the door. Benjamín perked up at the sound, a bright look seeping onto his face as he recognized you.

"Y/N!" He enthusiastically greeted you. "What can I do for you?"

You greeted him back with a smile, making your way over to the counter. "I know I'm back so soon, just couldn't get enough of this place!" You attempted to loosen the air in a joke, hoping that would somehow arise no suspicion. 

Benjamín chuckled which put you at ease, but he didn't say anything more. 

Right. I have to continue.

"I was actually just coming to ask if I could get in the room one last time," you finally said, "we can't find one of Gabriel's toys." You leaned in, hovering over the counter. "He's a little upset."

You felt a pang of regret wash over you as you said that last part. Not only because you threw your brother under the bus, but because Gabriel was the quiet, sort of shy type. It wasn't believable to anyone who knew him. 

Perhaps you were overthinking it, as Benjamín nodded and rummaged through a separate drawer for the room keys.

"Be my guest," he said, handing them to you.

You flashed him a polite smile. "Gracias," you called out as you moved towards the stairs.

Soon enough, you were in front of that door once again. You made your way through, shutting and locking yourself in. You gave the doorknob a slight jiggle to make sure it was secure, and when it was, your head spun towards the dresser in the corner of the room.

Quickly making your way over, you stuck your foot out, applying pressure to each of the floorboards.


It still moved. You felt a sense of relief wash over you, knowing you hadn't missed your chance, but this was quickly invaded with anxiety and anticipation.

You pried your fingers through the self-made cracks as you applied pressure, attempting in whatever way you could to move this board. It was to no avail.

You sighed, looking around the room for anything that could assist. Another spark went off. 

You pulled out the pencil from your pocket, sticking it through the cracks, prying it as hard as you would with a crowbar.

With the snap of your pencil, you heard the popping of something coming loose.

You got the floorboard open.

You threw your pencil to the ground, paying no attention as it rolled its way across the wooden floor. You took the open board with your fingers, tenderly lifting it up, slowly revealing what was underneath.

It was an ink-black, tin lockbox. One secured with a lock and key.

Your heart sank.

That can't be related, can it? Other keys exist.

Just then, you heard an echoing knock up on the room door.

"Everything okay in there?" Benjamín's voice called out from the hallway.

Startled, you threw the floorboard back into place. 

"Yep! Still looking," you said with a scare to your voice. When you heard the "ok" and the sound of footsteps retreating, you decided it was time to go. You found what you were looking for. 

You stood up, brushing off your skirt and looking behind you, making sure nothing was out of place. 

Yet another spark went off.

The window.

You reached your arm over to the latch of the window coverings, quietly raising it to be kept unlocked.

I am on fire today, you happily thought to yourself.

You checked around once more as you made your way out of the heavy room.


"Thanks again!" You sung out to Benjamín as the sound of the bell went off once more. The sound underneath your feet went from rickety to solid as you stepped outside. 

When you made it out back into the light of day, you were immediately caught off guard as you looked forward and into the small crowd on the street. Someone was waiting for you.


Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now