Submissive and Breedable [Chapter III]

Start from the beginning

"Your boyfriend seems like he needs you. We'll be heading off since there isn't an issue," The bald officer said.

I stood still for a moment before sighing and waving them goodbye. The moment I closed the door, they cackled and wheezed so hard that I heard them from inside. They left a few moments later.

I slammed my face into the door

"What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. Me." I said, banging my forehead into the wood between words. Then, turning my back to it. I just stayed there on the floor, in a fetal position. Might as well crawl under a rock and die. I started continuously slamming my head into my knees. making a sound that can only be described as


I'd rather be dead than have to go through that again. I looked down at the card the officer gave me. It had his number, his work number, and his place of work. I mean, I'm still single. I'm not dating that emo clown who's still walking around upstairs. I want to get away from that guy as much as my mother wanted to get away from Dad. I rolled my eyes after seeing the smiling idiot descend down the stairs in my peripheral vision.

"The hell do you want now?" I groaned. I had just made myself look like a fool just to save his ass. I still didn't look up when I felt his presence next to me. I had my head down, my arms hugging my knees to my chest. Jeff didn't say anything. The apartment was silent. It wasn't awkward silence. It was a comfortable silence. I was able to relax and finally get out of my fetal position. I looked up. I didn't expect Jeff to still be there. He was down on the floor with me, sitting crisscross and playing with his hoodie strings. It looked like his hoodie dried so he put it on. He's changed three times in in less than 12 hours. What is he? Barbie? I mean, I used to rip the heads off of dolls for fun. Does that work on murderous emo ones too?

Jeff noticed I had stirred, turning towards me. He tilted his head to the side looking slightly confused.

"What happened?" Jeff asked, furrowing his brows.

"It's fine, I'm just embarrassed," I said. The jokes the officers made were funny as I repeated them in my head.

"Okay then," He shrugged, pushing himself up and holding out his hand to help me as well.

"I saved your ass. Your welcome, you fucking clown," I said. Right as I grabbed his hand to stand up, he pulled it away.

"Never being nice to you again," He said, jokingly turning away. I fell back down and I heard him try to suppress a chuckle. I stood up, salty as fuck.

"Next time, I'm turning you in,"

"Good luck with that," he responded, heading to the kitchen. I followed. Jeff looked back at me.

"I found this thing in your clo-" before he was able to finish his sentence, he slipped on the fridge puddle.



Knocking his head into the wall. This time, he wasn't running, so he was still conscious. I wheezed so hard it made me sound like a tea kettle. He rubbed the bump on his head; looking at me, unamused.

"haha that's so funny," he said sarcastically. Then he pulled my leg, making me fall on my ass.

"You bastard!" I said trying to get up but my foot slipped on the water. I fell again.

"Karma's a bitch, and so am I," Jeff said, flipping his hair and walking away. I glared at him, sitting in the puddle. He looked like a person from a circus but acted like a high-school girl. I am not dealing with this diva any longer. I don't hate him. I just don't want him around. The thing I didn't like about him was that he acted like ME. I came up with an idea.

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