"City's were empty and full while towns stood with bodies just sitting in the street. The blast zones where the nuclear warheads hit were reduced to ash and most if not all of the people there were just dumped in mass graves. You could smell the burning body's for miles." My head shook as the memory's of the bodies filled my mind. The people that died were stuck with shocked looks on their faces. The bodies that burned were either screaming or sitting still, depending who was still alive or not.

"That's horrible..." was all Carley could say. I nodded and frowned deeply.

"I came here thinking that it'd be the same, thinking that people would just kill each other and that everything would be lawless as Legion so claimed. How wrong I was. Even during my time people would try and celebrate together before conflicts against legion, they would sing songs and with each other well. After battles they would celebrate and make love to each other." Carley smirked lightly, a small blush on her face that she easily hid.

"The three months in the Motel were probably the best of my life. Singing songs, sharing crazy stories, and getting laughs made me actually happy for once in my life. I thought nothing else mattered except that moment. It was so peaceful during those times that I had completely forgotten the grim and horrible future where I had come from. I felt...alive." Carey grinned even wider and watched me as I smiled as well. I turned to face Carley again and looked in her eyes as I smiled fondly.

"Clementine was a big motivation for staying there, though you and everyone else became big reasons to. I don't know why but seeing that little girl made me feel better than I ever had before. Being with Clem made me Human while being with you makes me alive. Everyone here has problems yes, but I don't see why we can't move past them and build a better future. The future is what we make of it...right?" Carley chuckled and smiled fondly at me, her arms wrapping around my neck as she whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, your right." She then kissed me again, this time much sweeter than before. I happily excepted the kiss and pushed my lips onto hers. It still felt odd but it felt more right than anything else I've ever done before.

Carley pulled away a second later and we just smiled at each other, our eyes speaking a thousand words. As I stared in her eyes I understand everything she was trying to tell me. I knew that at the moment she was right. It may not have been my fault Clementine is gone but I'll be damned if I don't get her back.

"You ruined that dude's face." Carley and I both turned around to see that someone had thrown the head against the wall and broke apart of it off. I looked at Carley and saw that she was rolling her eyes at Omids comment.

"Shut up sweetie, look." Christa pointed out the wall which was corroded. I stood up from the couch and walked over toward the wall, smirking while crossing my arms as soon as I stopped.

"Yeah, we see the fucked up face." I said while letting out a chuckle. Christa rolled her eyes as Kenny walked past me and over to the wall. Kenny kneeled down and grabbed a piece of the wood, pulling it out with his bare hand as it snapped. I whistled at how easy that looked and thought about what I could do.

"It's corroded to hell." Kenny said as he dropped the piece of wood and stood back up.

"What's on the other-side of this wall, a third story drop?" Christa asked. I walked forward and knelt down, looking through the wall and smiling as I saw another interior on the inside.

"No, this Mansion is butted up to the one next to it." Omid said. I stood up and formed a sledgehammer with my poly fluid, making it a little bigger than it had to be.

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