Chapter 23: Camping trip

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Many curses appeared in Xia Yao's mind and she only felt that she had been tricked by Xu Shizhou. Ah, he was no longer a good person, he had regained his identity as the third licking dog!
"Let's talk, what's wrong?" Xia Yao put away her white lotus skills and stayed against the wall.
The scene of the girl patiently teaching students after school appeared in Xu Shizhou's mind and he couldn't help but feel jealous: "I don't want you to keep tutoring others. I want one-on-one."
Xia Yao looked up at him and realized that he didn't seem to be joking. That was strange, tutoring one person was the same as tutoring a group. Why wouldn't he let her teach others? This third licking dog was too much.
"You are too overbearing." Xia Yao snorted, "We are all classmates, we are supposed to progress together."
As if he was shocked by the righteous tone of the girl, Xu Shizhou was silent for a while. His hand instinctively wrapped itself around the waist of the girl he liked and he said in a low voice: "One-on-one, okay?"
Even though it was late autumn and she was more tightly dressed, Xia Yao still felt the unexpected touch. Frightened for a second, she stared at Xu Shizhou in shock and bit her lower lip. She reached out and slapped his hand away.
"Let me go, class will start soon!" She glared at him and without waiting for him to move, she kicked the door open and fled. She suspected that the third licking dog had been possessed by a ghost.


After the weekend, it was time for the traditional fall excursion of Williston Noble High School. This year's trip was a bit late and didn't start until November but the most eligible students of the school were taken on a camping trip.

This year's camping site was in a well-known scenic area. The campsite included lakes, sandy fields, grasslands, and mountains.
Xia Yao, Xu Yinuan, and Sweet Sister were sharing a tent. Because Xia Yao was so strong, she walked with the tent all the way, faster than any of the groups. Sweet Sister was carrying her camera as always, taking pictures of everyone from time to time, speaking along the way: "Yaoyao, you're too fast! Walk slower, wait for me! My camera can only see your afterimage!"

The teenager who had been following her, thinking he would be able to carry her if she ever got tired, realized that the girl's physical strength was really not normal. She rushed up all the way and when she arrived at the camping site, she didn't look exhausted at all.

Once everyone arrived at the camping site, they all started to set up the tents. Xia Yao had never learned how to do it, let alone Xu Yinuan and Sweet Sister who were both ladies of wealthy families. This finally gave the teenager a chance to act and Xu Shizhou took the tent without saying a word and fixed the mess Xia Yao had made.
"I will do it." He finally said.
Since the last incident in the storage room, Xia Yao felt that he had not just been asking for one-on-one tutoring sessions but had a bit of an ulterior motive, and she couldn't help but be on her guard recently.
But seeing how helpful he was right now, it looked like he was aware of his mistake that day and Xia Yao decided to continue to issue him a good person card and stop calling him the third licking dog again.
"Thank you!" Xia Yao squatted next to the boy, "I will help you."
The two of them found an open space and began to assemble the tent. Although Xia Yao still didn't understand the instructions, most of the work was done by Xu Shizhou and the girl ended up cheering on the side.

Xia Yao was acting as Xu Shizhou's personal cheerleader and was caught off guard by the sound of the system in her head.
[Host, you can't relax yet. Don't think that because there have been no tasks recently, you are done with me.]
It was true that lately, she had been very focused on her studies.
[Hey, I have never slacked off!]
[An additional task has been issued. The host is requested to appear under the Crooked Tree before 22:02 and complete the plot of "The sweetheart of the three big bosses". The host should push the heroine down the hill.]
[Additional task? Does that mean that I can not complete it?]
[If the host completes the task, you can get 100,000 yuan of moving funds. Please decide whether you want to accept the task or not.]
Xia Yao's eyes lit up, her biggest need right now was money!
[I accept, I accept!]

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