Chapter 19: White lotus language

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Xia Yao's mouth was dry, she had not expected teaching people would be so tiring. Teaching one person was okay, but why was teaching a whole group so exhausting? Being a teacher was really not something ordinary people could be.
"Do you understand?" She patted the formula on the mirror, her voice echoing in the restrooms.
Everyone looked at the girl in a white dress in the center. She looked innocent like a fairy and her eyes were red like a soft little rabbit.
"You still don't understand, Xia Xi?" Xu Yinuan snorted, "Why do you keep saying √3+√6=√9? No wonder your last math problem was wrong."
"Yes. I have no idea how you can rank 23rd if the whole grade, maybe you cheated." Sweet Sister sneered.
Xia Yao: I guess this is why she makes fun of me, I really can't figure how she gets this answer.

Xia Yao was sitting on the sink and she switched her crossed legs. Her eyes fell on her fake sister and she said coldly: "Now, let's talk about the last problem of the math test paper. Xia Xi, quickly take it out, don't let me rush you."
"Yes, don't feel embarrassed. It's okay to not be able to do it, but is it so hard to admit you're stupid?" Sweet Sister echoed.
There was no way for Xia Xi to not bow her head in this situation. She slowly took out the test paper from her bag, her eyes so red tears could fall any seconds. She didn't expect Xia Yao would humiliate her this way, she would rather be bullied instead!
"Why are you so slow?" Xu Yinuan glared at her, "Slow as a pig, sisters, should we slaughter pigs today?"

Xia Xi quickly took the paper out, thinking of the humiliation of being stuffed in the sack earlier. She would rather die of a thousand cuts!
Seeing that she had finally opened the paper, Xia Yao wiped the mirror clean with a rag, coughed lightly, and slapped the mirror surface: "You can't even do this question! Are you worthy of your parents' education and the teacher's careful lectures?"
"That's right. If you can't even do this topic, do you still deserve to stay in Class A?" Sweet Sister added.

Xia Xi's body trembled instinctively when she thought of her adopted parents and her beloved teachers. She had gone to an aristocratic kindergarten, to an aristocratic elementary school, middle school, and high school. She had always enjoyed the top education in the country and the expectations of both her parents and teachers were very high. She also considered herself a very good person.
But she didn't expect—
That Xia Yao, a country bumpkin from a remote mountain village whose educational resources were seriously behind and who had even been at the bottom of the grade last semester, would turn out to be the first place. And that she even wanted to teach her maths...
Xia Xi's tears fell silently and sobs choked her voice: "Woooo~ I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for them..."
Xia Yao was a little surprised, she didn't think Xia Xi would start crying. Wow, was the skill of making the heroine cry innate? Sure enough, she was a vicious female character.

Just when Xia Xi started crying and all the sisters were happy about it, the locked door or the restrooms sounded. Everyone was taken aback but Xia Yao was extremely calm; after waiting for so long, the male protagonists were finally arriving with their swords drawn to defend their heroine. But which hero would successfully debut?
Within a second, before anyone had time to react, the door was kicked open in a bang. Xia Yao casually sorted out her clothes, ready to do her scene. She was ready to speak and was not panicking at all. Eh, the heroine wasn't the only one able to speak white lotus language, she just needed to learn some expressions!

The light in the restrooms shone on the teenager at the door and he turned his face slightly. His black and messy hair had been blown by the evening breeze, revealing a pair of dark and gloomy eyes and a mole in the corner. He looked straight at the girl sitting on the sink with her legs crossed and saw the equations on the mirror. Ah, she was so comfortable tutoring others!
Xia Yao swallowed what she was about to say when she realized the most troublesome of the three boys had come first. She softened her voice and said: "Xu... Brother Xu..."
The young man was startled and all the irritation on his body instantly disappeared when he heard her call him "brother" and indescribable joy spread in his heart. Her soft voice was unexpectedly nice and it made him want to spoil her. The corners of his mouth rose: "Say again?"

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