Reminiscent III

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Sometimes I still hear the ringing in my ears from all of the explosions I would stand idly by. Very helplessly, hope drained from my body as I watched. A hand had patted my shoulder, then the figure walked away with his wife. My brother and Sasaki would interlock arms and walk away from the explosion they had caused. They were newlyweds, and what better way to celebrate their celebration than to explode a government building? I would leave soon after as I wouldn't want to be accused. However, I did let all of these things happen. So regardless, I was guilty.

On some nights, I would see Sasaki whispering things in Kamekichi's ear. My brother closed his eyes, smiled, and nodded. He took in everything she would say to him and brought it to his heart. One look at Kamekichi, and anyone could see his adoration for her. I said nothing.

The explosions became too frequent. Even on nights where my brother did not let me know he would be doing anything, the building of where I worked would shake. Soon we could all see smoke in the distant outside.

Slowly, I could see the glimmer in Sasaki and my brother's eyes fade away. I could tell that they had completely lost themselves. It was too late to criticize their actions. All this time I had protected their identities from the police and made sure they didn't get caught, but it got to a point where...

I could not take it anymore.

I walked up the staircase of the abandoned building stealthily. After walking down a few halls, I entered a room that my brother stood in. He had his back to me with his hair covered by the navy head covering he would always wear , and was very clearly staring at police cars piling up from the bottom of the building.

"Kamekichi." I called his name, but my brother did not turn around. "I'm sorry, but this needs to stop." He remained silent. I bit my lip, hoping he did not feel betrayed, but what were the chances of that? "I am sorry I did not stop this from happening. Please come in willingly."

"Brother." He finally said. I looked up from the ground and approached him slowly. Kamekichi turned around to look at me, but I could only see his sad eyes. "Thank you."


"I can't do this any longer. I am a horrible excuse for a man, Doppo."

"Where is this coming from?"

"Everything I've ever valued has been brought down, I was drowned by power. I have realized that, and now I am unsure if I can go on."

"Kamekichi." My brother paused and gazed at me. "I...."

"I will come in willingly, all I ask is that you're the only one to turn me in, Doppo." I was surprised, my eyelids lifted. Kamekichi stared at me, then began unraveling his head scarf. It's almost as if I hadn't seen his face in so long. He looked full of despair and grief. His face was unshaven, therefore giving him a prickly beard. We did not have the same eye color, he did not require glasses like I did, and his hair was slightly darker than mine, but our mother always told us how she saw us in each other.

Tears started to fall from his eyes, so Kamekichi hung his head low. I walked closer to my brother and embraced him.

"Kamekichi, you can still be saved. You can still be the man you want to be." I assured him with the calmest tone I could make out. I let go of him and backed away, bringing my finger to my earpiece, speaking into it. "Boss, tell the officers to hold their fire- '' I did not finish my statement. I wasn't getting any signal from the other side. I clicked my tongue and looked around for another exit, where I had found a staircase. "Wait here Kamekichi, I will come back for you, I promise."

My brother nodded, and ravelled the head covering back over his face. I quickly went down the staircase and headed for the cars. Once I reached my boss, I called out to him.

Reminiscent // KUNIKIDA DOPPO ||Where stories live. Discover now