No Cancellation

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Instead of assuming the worst and doing the worst Ej actually talks to Gina this time, the way it should have happened.

Jamie: Look, we're all just really glad that Gigi has a big-brother figure in her life. Even if it's not me. Maybe especially if it's not me.

Ej: Is that what Gina said about me?

Jamie: I never really nailed the whole sibling thing. I supposed that the family that you choose is better than the one you get. That make sense?

Ej: Yeah. I understand...vaguely...

Jamie: Oh, yeah, I gotta go. It was great to meet you bruh.

Ej: Yeah.

Jamie: Uh, great show, by the way.

Jamie walks away leaving Ej to his thoughts. He can already feel his eyes tearing up as he turned around and went straight to the bathroom.

Ej's POV

No t-there's no way I heard that right. Big's wrong, she said yes to risotto that's not something...common against siblings. Wait...she was shocked I even asked...people don't expect their siblings to be nice to them depending on how they grew up. Gina's brother has been absent all her life so of course she'd be shocked. If she sees me like that of course she'd be shocked cause her brother has never done anything like this for her. But even after all of this...the fake dating...the fun banter...the play never felt like a sibling vibe to me. I don't see her like that and maybe Jamie could be wrong...

Ej spent another five minutes silently crying before he heard the orchestra vamping for a good while. He knew that wasn't right he so dried his eyes and lucky for him they don't turn red and puffy after crying so he still looked normal as he rushed out the bathroom and to their backstage. He saw everyone panicking as they were looking for something which he quickly discovered was the harness. Gina looked at him panicked from across the room before she went back to looking. Soon after Nini came up with a plan to make the transformation work and they put it into action.

After The Show

Once the show was over Ej changed into the outfit he planned on wearing for Gina tonight. He smirked at himself in the mirror cause he thought he looked pretty good if he did say so himself. He grabbed his stuff and went out to the hallway and bumped into Mr. Mazzara and while he was talking Gina called out to him.

Gina: Yo Gaston!

She spins and shows off her outfit followed by a little giggle as she walks towards him. Despite what Ej heard from Jamie that still managed to bring a little joy back into his spirit.

Gina: Just want you to know I looked up squid ink risotto online and I have a few question. Actually I have questions about a lot of stuff that went down tonight but I am ready to head out when you are.

Ej: Actually I have something I want to talk to you about.

Gina: What's that? Don't tell me we have to reschedule it again.

Ej: No it's not that so um...I had a talk with Jamie tonight...

Gina: Jamie? Did you initiate the conversation or did he?

Ej: He did, it was after The Mob Song. I went out to the hallway to go to the bathroom and he was there...I think waiting on me because it felt way too convenient ya know.

Gina: What did he want?

Ej: He talked to me about how  your mom saw me, how she thought I was charming and thought I walked on air and then...

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