Ghost Trip

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Written by: slugworthingtonjr


Levi finds himself driving down a deserted road in the middle of the night, his boyfriend Eren in the passenger seat. Why? Because Eren somehow managed to convince him that going on a road-trip to haunted places would 'be fun'. It's day one and they have no idea what's in store for them.


"Remind me why I'm driving down this sketchy ass road at Midnight again?"

Levi adjusted his hands on the steering wheel of his car and glanced to Eren who was next to him in the passenger seat. Tiny rocks ticked against the metal of the car. There was a wall of weeds waist high on either side of the road, brushing against the doors.

"Because it's going to be fun."

"You do realize we've been driving into the middle of nowhere on a dirt road for half an hour now right?"

"It can't be that much further. The website said twenty minutes off Highway 13." Eren looked down at the glow of his phone and hummed. "The map isn't updating anymore, but I'm positive we took the right road."

Levi sighed and rolled his shoulders, trying to ease the tension in his muscles. He couldn't believe he let Eren talk him into this ridiculous road-trip. Two entire weeks of hunting down haunted places that may or may not exist. He could be spending this time working on his next book, but instead he'd be stuck driving around in buttfuck nowhere, probably trespassing on property that belonged to the kind of people who would sooner shoot you than look at you.

He felt the warmth of Eren's hand on his knee then, glanced to it and then back up at the dirt, weeds, and darkness before them.

"Thanks for doing this Babe. I know it's not really your idea of a great vacation, but I think you're gonna have fun."

He both loved and hated when Eren called him 'Babe'.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say brat."

He could grumble all he wanted, but the truth of the matter was that he was a total fucking sucker. All Eren had to do was give him that look -the one where he quirked the left side of his mouth and somehow made his eyes an even livlier green- and Levi was a puddle on the floor, doing whatever Eren wanted, which was usually something borderline insane. And that's what he loved about the brat. If Eren wasn't in his life he'd probably never go anywhere but the gym and the grocery store.

"You brought the flashlights right?"

"Yeeess." Eren groaned. "You already asked me that."

"Well, sometimes you forget things, so I'm just making su- Shit!"

Levi slammed on the brakes, jerking them both forward and sending a cloud of dirt into the air around the car.

"What?! What happened?" Eren turned to Levi, hands bracing himself on the dash.

"Something just ran in front of the fucking car."

"What was it?"

"I don't know."

"Did we hit it?"

"I don't think so."

"We should check." Eren unbuckled his seat-belt and pushed his door open, swinging one leg out onto the dirt.

"Eren." Levi put a hand on his arm.

"What? We have to make sure we didn't like kill somebody right?"

Levi sighed for the millionth time that day, unbuckled his own seat-belt and got out of the car with Eren.

Ereri smutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora