Ropes for Pancakes

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Written by: shotgunsinlace



~ Daddy Kink ~

~ Slapping ~



A night out after a rough work week finds Levi at an exclusive nightclub, where he picks up an attractive young man with a repertoire of debauched kinks. Luckily for him, Levi too has a taste for the more obscure and taboo kinds of fetishes.


Levi isn't into the habit of smoking; he's too meticulous for it. The risk of yellowing his teeth and fingers is far too great, and the mere thought of soiling himself because of a habit that will undoubtedly kill him is preposterous. He'll stick to his liquor, to bottles of whiskey downed in the company of Cake Boss reruns on Friday nights.

This is why – thanks to the years of friendship he has with the man – Levi plucks the cigarette from Erwin's lips and drops it onto the sidewalk, putting it out with the sole of his shoe.

"Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?" he says, turning his attention to the cufflink that has gotten loose. "Or does he mostly kiss your ass?"

Erwin smirks, looks behind him to the rest of the group tagging along with them. "Why don't you ask him?"

It's meant as a joke, but Levi asks anyways. "Mike, same question. Do you kiss his mouth or his ass?"

Towering well over Levi, Mike makes a show out of pondering the answer. Crinkling his nose, he shrugs. "Both."

"Both," Levi says, pointedly looking at Erwin when he gets his answer. "You can kill yourself from lung cancer on your own time. I don't want to breathe in your shit."

"As if you don't smoke."

"Once in a blue moon." All right, so maybe he does smoke once in a while, but mostly out of necessity. With a job like his, stress isn't so easily relieved due to lack of personal time.

The school week had been hectic, and for once, lounging around on a Friday night hadn't been enough to get his mind off of things. A person can say whatever they wish, but if anyone says that students are the only ones that have a rough time at school has obviously never been a teacher. Levi isn't one to bring work home, but as of late, it's better to grade angsty elementary school papers while sitting in his personal desk rather than the one at the classroom.

It's been months since they've all gone anywhere together: Erwin, Mike, Hanji, Petra, and him, thanks to scheduling conflicts due to their respective jobs. Almost comical, how all of them dropped their plans the moment Levi expressed interest in socializing tonight.

The night would have been great if he didn't feel like a fifth wheel.

The hustle and bustle of the big city on a weekend night is comforting in its chaos. No one sticks their nose in stuff that isn't their concern. Nobody stares or pries, too wrapped up in their own little world to invade others. Privacy without solitude.

"Looks like we're here," Hanji says, almost singsong. They gesture towards the first floor of a building that's entrance is brightly illuminated in neon blue, contrasting attractively with the black bricks that form the wall. "Hottest place in town."

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