Special Sauna

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Written by: ZWorld


After many years, Eren Yeager returns to his old favourite sauna in search of relaxation and a little raunchy fun.


Eren took a deep breath, allowing the air to slowly escape from his parted lips. Brilliant green eyes flicked upwards a moment later and widened fractionally when taking in the sight before him.

A familiar tall and modern glass building stood in front of him. A structure in which he used to frequent a lot when he was still in his late teens and early twenties. Back when his libido ran rampant and the only thing that quenched his insatiable thirst was going inside this very building every evening and getting fucked senseless until he was exhausted.

It's been years since. Four, in fact.

Nowadays Eren has to use his time more wisely. Work took too much of it, and whenever he wasn't on call on his days off, it was spent with his friends and doing small jobs for them. By the time he finally got the chance to even remotely think of his sad, touch starved dick, the exhaustion would take over and he'd fall asleep with a hand down his pants.

But, today was different.

Today, he made time.

Eren had booked himself as 'busy' on his work schedule. It was only for a few hours. His boss didn't seem to mind too much and nor did the apprentices that worked with him. They were happy to fill in for any potential emergencies the evening could bring.

It was Eren's birthday, after all.

And being a hard, reliable and long term worker for an electrical company; they had no qualms about it.

Eren deserved a break on his birthday.

Better yet, he deserved the luxury of finally getting some.

Four years was a long time. Eren hadn't noticed it'd been that long since he had a dick up his ass. Along with work and maturity - his friends all got married and started to have babies - the interest of having one night stands and going to nightclubs lost its appeal. 

Yet, as soon as Eren marked his schedule as busy for the evening - three weeks ago - one of his apprentices had asked what he was getting up to. The twerp even had the gall to tease Eren about needing to let loose and get laid - he'd been so uppity as of late, apparently. He missed how boisterous Eren was when he first started working underneath his wing. 

And dare Eren admit it, the suggestion was intriguing. Because he knew the apprentice was right. His patience was thin - but more so out of feeling tired and overworked than needing some dick action. He originally had planned to get takeouts, a dessert and plan this ass on the couch for a restful evening.

But the suggestion slowly creeped into his mind and started to win over the internal debate. It got him thinking, remembering, and even imagining. Old memories of another's hard, muscular body against his. The feeling of fingers teasing and spreading him open. Of skin slapping against skin.

The more the suggestion plagued his mind, the more he talked himself into it.

The question was; how and where?

He knew the easy way out - the place that he always found ecstasy in the past. A place he adored and had never told anyone about. It was his best-kept secret since the day he turned eighteen.

It'd been so long that the name escaped him. Thankfully Google easily fixed that. Eren feared it might've closed down, but relief flooded him when it was very much still a happening place with five-star ratings all around.

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