Good Hands

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(The two Supermen traded powerful hits above the Asylum)

Injustice Superman: "I've been through this before! Fighting a version of myself! Pathetic!"

Superman: "Yeah? And who won that fight?"

(Injustice Superman stopped...then yelled and punched him)

(Superman retaliated and flew straight back at him, hitting him with increased ferocity, he had fought Zod, Doomsday, Steppenwolf and many more superbeings since...he knew there were usually plenty of reasons to hold back...but right now...there weren't any)

(He slammed Injustice Superman as hard as he could, his speed increasing, both of them broke the sound barrier just as his punch landed)

(He grabbed Injustice Superman by the cape and spun him around in circles just as Zod had done to him all those years ago...)

(He whipped Injustice Superman back towards the Asylum and used a double handed slam to send him back down to Earth)

(Batman and Catwoman dodged Diana's strikes until she knocked them both down with a gauntlet shockwave)

(She approached both of them with her sword raised when Injustice Superman plummeted down towards Ivy)

Ivy: "Oh sh.."

(Gets crushed into the ground by Injustice Superman)

(Diana's eyes turned back to normal, Leo stopped attacking Raph and Donnie and Mikey woke up)

Mikey: "Duuuude....that...was...totally awesome!"

Raph: "...yeah...real..real awesome, sergeant shellforbrains."

Leo: "Raph I'm so sorry are you okay?"

Raph: "Nothin a little shell massage couldn't fix, bro. It's all good. I'm just glad everyone's back to normal."

(Clark landed and hugged Diana)

Superman: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you here."

Wonder Woman: "It's okay, Clark. Ivy was kind of tasty not gonna lie but she appears to be smushed to death now."

Superman: "Oh..yeah...that was my bad."

Wonder Woman: "Do not feel too bad about it, Mister Kent. Sometimes in order to save people.. or Turtles and amazons in this case..horrible villains must be brutally murde.."

Batman: "You went too far!"

(Clark and Diana looked at him with raised eyebrows)

Batman: "We"

Catwoman: "Kiss!"

(Kisses him)

Batman: "Not what I was getting at."

Superman: "Wait really? Our Bruce Wayne never had a problem with it."

Batman: "Then he was an idiot."

Wonder Woman: "No...not..not usually. Well.."

Superman: "He bulldozed through Lex's henchmen like.."

Donnie: "Like Michelangelo through a pizza?"

Mikey: "Pizza!"

(Hugs Donnie)

Superman: "Uh sure. And nearly killed me with a Kryptonite spear."

Batman: "Smartest thing he ever did."

(Superman crossed his arms)

Batman: "What I mean is...going too far by killing criminals is how our world went down this dark path...but I suppose as long as you two are around...your world will be in good hands."

(Clark and Diana smiled for a moment then gave each other a downcast expression remembering what Barry told them)

(Injustice Superman got up from the crater he'd made when he crashed)

Injustice Superman: "Yes...your world will be in good hands...when I use mine to flatten it!"

Wonder Woman: "NevAARRRR!!!"

(Leo leaps over her as she hands him her sword, Injustice Superman blasts heat vision at her but Superman blocked it with his own heat vision)

(In one swift moment, Leo sliced Injustice Superman's head clean off)

Mikey: "Duuuude..."

Raph: "Now that's what I call a shred head."

(They high three)

Batman: "He's...he's.."

Catwoman: "He's gone, Bruce. We're safe now. The world is safe."

(Batman fell to his knees under the weight of conflicting emotions, Selina held him closely for comfort)

Injustice Wonder Woman: "Not quite."

Catwoman: "Goddammit."

Clark and Diana 8Where stories live. Discover now