Near Kisses

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(Superman avoided Injustice Wonder Woman's strikes in midair)

(She wrapped her lasso around him and yanked him in close, she held him in a tight grip)

Injustice Wonder Woman: "You hold back. Why?"

Superman: "Because I..really don't want to hurt you..whether you're my real wife or another version of her."

Injustice Wonder Woman: "Did..did you just say...wife?"

(A look of mischief twinkled in her eyes)

Injustice Wonder Woman: "Perhaps we can use this to our advantage."

(She closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss)

(Clark dodged her kiss with super fast head movements)

Injustice Wonder Woman: "Hey!! Just..hold..still!"

Superman: "No can do. I promised her I wouldn't let things like this happen agaaaaa...!!!!"

(She plummeted down to the street, slamming him into the concrete with full force)

(She crouched over him and went in for another kiss when...)

(The other Wonder Woman was knocked straight in between them...and received the kiss instead!)

(Diana yelped and shoved Injustice Wonder Woman away)

Wonder Woman: "No! No no! Eek!"

(Wipes her mouth)

Wonder Woman: "I kissed myself?! I must puke!"


Superman: "This has been a very strange day."

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