Peace at What Cost

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(Injustice Superman appeared above Clark and Diana)

Injustice Superman: "You aren't worth the trouble. You don't belong here. This world was finally at peace until you showed up."

Superman: "What happened here? What have you done?"

Injustice Superman: "Heh. You're starting to sound like an old friend of mine."

(Clark and Diana gasped as Injustice Batman walked up through a cloud of smoke)

Wonder Woman: " he..?"

Injustice Wonder Woman: "Completely under our command? Yes. He makes a fine slave don't you think?"

(Batman stared blankly, his eyes were devoid of any humanity)

Superman: "What...what did you do to him?"

Injustice Superman: "The same thing we did with all those who opposed me. I bonded with Brainiac's ship years ago."

(Clark and Diana shared a look remembering their confrontation with their own version of Brainiac years ago)

Injustice Superman: "It provided me with limitless resources to reshape not only the world..but the universe."

Wonder Woman: " are tyrants..both of you! How could you...?"

Injustice Wonder Woman: "The real question could we not?"

Injustice Superman: "Humanity was flawed. They needed to be ruled with strength. I gave them that peace."

Superman: "At what cost? Were you not raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent? Were you not raised with moral values? To always know right from wrong? No matter how hard things get, to never give up?"

Injustice Superman: "..I used to think like you. Give it a few years. Maybe you'll see it my way."

Wonder Woman: "Or's time to go!"

(Grabs Clark and Batman and drills her way into the sewer tunnels)

Injustice Superman: "Let them go. I'll allow them one more chance to go back where they came from...before things get really messy."

(Injustice Wonder Woman matched his devilish smirk and made out with him)

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