11 - Heather King Poncho [FINAL]

Start from the beginning

It wasn't until after the battle that they learned that it had been a basic magic spell cast by a single mage, the soldiers would later relate.

Mages were a common sight on battlefields and Sorcerers are rarer.

They served various roles, from casting offensive magic to assisting with communication. A powerful person is a sorcerer who has been able to defeat a single small troop with one spell.

However, there was no mage powerful enough to create a path to the enemy's headquarters with a single blow through magecraft - except for Rooks Whillistine.

A mature handsome blonde-haired man charged down the path created by his outlandish son, the archduke Whillistine. He is the ringleader of Heather's royal army.

He moved, wielding a sword said to grow sharper the more people it cut down and mowed down one enemy soldier after the next as they leaped into his path without ever slowing his horse. His blonde-colored hair and crimson armor were stained an even deeper red.

A thousand cavalrymen followed behind him, but the archduke who is the named undefeated general spared them no thought as he pressed on through the enemy army.

On the way, he was interrupted by a strong-looking soldier who introduced himself by name -but he too was cut down by his sword. The matured-looking general he had killed had been one of the empire's foremost warriors, but the archduke paid him no mind as he continued sprinting with his horse, leaving a trail of corpses behind him.

The Archduke Whillistine soon arrived at the enemy headquarters which is the largest ship stationed, and while the elite troops kept the imperials at bay, he pointed his blood-drenched sword right at the supreme commander above on the deck, who was frozen with fear. He was no other than the Commanding Officer- Gorfon.

"Choose. Captivity or death,"

Archduke Whillistine asked curtly. To the imperial representative, the answer was obvious.


The royal army of Heather Kingdom shouted with joy. At the same time, a ball of light signifying their victory was launched up, dispersing in the air like fireworks. The enemy army similarly launched a light into the air, perhaps to signal to the rest of its forces to cease fighting, back to their ships, and flee the island. Less than an hour had passed since the battle was initiated.

"Well... I did say to aim for a short battle. I sure did,"

The Heather King mumbled to himself.

Even with a surprise attack, they had still been at an overwhelming disadvantage. As a result, they needed to win before the enemy had a chance to move into formation.

When the king asked the father and the son Whillistine whether they'd be able to accomplish this, they had both responded affirmatively.

But the king who rested on his royal chair did never imagine that it would be over this quickly. He had left the actual fighting up to his undefeated general, so he hadn't known in advance what exactly they would be doing on the battlefield, but it had been clear what they were doing even watching from afar.

Leaving one unit behind, the royal army had ambushed the imperial army. The king's aide must have been the one in charge of that. It was all executed flawlessly, as the aide had taken advantage of the confusion to inflict great losses on the enemy army.

However, the enemy did not simply stand still and take the attack. The soldiers fell into formation and fortified their defenses around their headquarters, ships - but ultimately that only served to mark the spot.

That's when Rooks Whillistine fired off a magic spell that ignored any physical defenses-and any magical and sorcery barriers to boot - throwing the imperial soldiers into the air and drowning on the seas. His father who then led the reserve unit down that path, arriving at the enemy headquarters in the blink of an eye, the king concluded.

'Just how reliable are they, ohh valuable pieces? Talk about the best of all the best.'

The king chuckled dispassionately after witnessing the ridiculous feat that just played out before him. He did already have great faith in his men, and his plan had succeeded. But despite that, what he had witnessed seemed so unreal that he could do nothing but laugh.

"It was a short battle, just like you asked for, right?" his aide responded matter-of-factly.

King Poncho decided not to mention his aide's calm response to such an outlandish situation proved that he was quite eccentric himself. Of course, it did not occur to the king that, as the master of the most powerful three, he might be the most eccentric of all.

"Grandfather, father, and the son, what a great pawns I have! hahaha"

Ceasing his chuckling, King Poncho took a deep breath, looked out at the seas which were slowly settling down, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"We won the battle, but it's a shame that the Crescent Moon Viper refused our offer of sacks of gold. Do you have any idea why?" the king asked.

"I have no idea, Your Highness. She seems to be a foreigner from who knows where," his aide replied nonchalantly.

Xylma, who was hiding in the bushes and video-recording the scene and the conversation, thought that she would never forget what she had seen that day. The rising sun illuminated Rooks's well-defined profile like a divine halo. Xylma squinted as she gazed at him and took a picture with her gadget, which shone like a symbol of the age to come.

"The president must see this. To think that these men are so nasty and manipulative, and Rooks in particular. He noticed me already, yet he didn't seize the opportunity to catch me. Do he already knew?"

"King Poncho protected his property, huh. Such a corrupt king... Nevertheless, they pose a problem for us."

Xylma, in her uniform, stopped and listened more to the conversation between the king and his aide. She heard the aide whisper to Poncho's ear, "Your Highness, it seems the Al Mycóta Rassieur destroyed two or three towns in the northwest. It seems the Sol Messa Empire hired him."

"That notorious scum. Order the Crescent Moon Viper to kill the devil, no matter the cost, using whatever tactics you see fit."

"Yes, Your Highness."

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