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Embryo ran her talons through the grass, feeling the individual blades bending underneath her weight as her talons gently flowed through them. Oops, she accidently knocked am ant off a blade and felt it rebound from the loss of its weight.

Embryo closed her eyes and breathed in the morning air, the grass and the flowers all creating the distinct smell that was her home in the valley.

As Embryo made her way to the breakfast pavilion, she continued to run her talons through the grass and the leaves on the trees along her path.

As she passed through the down she stopped upon hearing the screams of pure agony from inside one of the houses. Apparently one of the dragons was still laying and wouldn't be able to make breakfast. It would be alright though as she was sure to get special attention for her contribution tomorrow.

The thought of laying an egg filled Embryo with terror. She was hypersensitive and highly attuned to all her senses, and sometimes even a small touch from another could send her body reeling in on itself with uncomfortable tingling (She supposed she must be highly ticklish, but she tried not to tell anyone. She hated being tickled). Given that laying an egg was the most pain a dragon could feel (all for a noble cause, they'd all say, unless they were actually doing it themselves, then they were cursing their very existence), the thought of doing it herself sent shivers of terror down her spine.

But she was of the Egg Laying half of the population, which her mom had told her was a special privilege. Though proud of them, she could tell her father was slightly jealous, but by judging how dragons screamed when laying their eggs, she always thought he should consider himself the lucky one.

Unlike her. She couldn't even stand stubbing her talons, how could she stand laying an egg. She couldn't even fathom what it must be like to be her future self when she first laid her egg. In some ways there was almost some excitement, like stepping into the unknown mysteries which only she could know. But given that they were unknown mysteries of pain, she figured she would rather pass.

Don't get her wrong, she enjoyed the food, she really did, but was it really worth the pain that went into it just to lay the egg?

The idea that you could find pride in knowing that you stand for a noble cause, yet every time you do it, you scream and wish your life away, knowing that she herself was destined to do the same someday, just made her feel very vulnerable.

Embryo shook the thoughts from her head. At least she didn't have to worry about it yet.

Embryo reached the pavilion where the table was already set with all the eggy goodness, the Queen sitting at the head full of pride at the beauty of the kingdom she ran.

Embryo, or Em as she was sometimes called, joined her parents at the table.

"What took you so long?" Asked her mother Albumen. "We were afraid you got lost."

"She probably just stopped to smell the flowers," her father Yoke stated.

"Yeah," admitted Embryo, "It's kind of hard to smell it over breakfast, no offense. It's nice to take in the morning air before I get here."

"Is this the daughter?" Said another OmeletWing, getting close. Embryo watched her with a puzzled expression. Did her parents know this OmeletWing.

"Oh," said Albumen, noticing her daughter's expression, "allow my to introduce you to introduce you to Chorion. She's the mother of Vitellus. We've been talking, and we think he would be a perfect match for you two to be married."

Embryo noticed the male dragon standing a Chorion's side. He looked friendly enough, but Embryo didn't feel that instant connection she had hoped to feel when she discovered the one she was meant to be with.

"We looked into it," Yoke explained, "and we think that a partnership between you and him will create eggs of maximum flavor potential."

Though it was true that a dragon could lay eggs by herself, it was well accepted that a partnership could increase production speed significantly. And choose the right partner it may even have a positive impact on the flavor.

Embryo didn't know what to feel. She always knew this day would come, but so soon? Was she really ready?

Maybe it'll always be too soon for you, she thought to herself, we always think we'll be ready later, but it will always be now, later never truly comes.

Before she could do anything though, the Queen spoke up.

"Hello everyone, I'd like to thank you all for coming. I am proud to say I had an extra large clutch of eggs last night and am proud to share it with you all today. I would also like to congratulate young Caviar who also laid her first egg this morning and is also proud to share it with us today."

There was a loud round of applause as all eyes turned to Caviar, who smiled shyly at the crowd. Though she was clearly pleased with herself, her head was covered in sweat, and she was obviously exhausted from her ordeal.

"Now, without further ado," said the Queen, "Let's sing our National Anthem."

And so, the crowd turned to their flag, hanging from a nearby tower, and began to sing:

From inside us, our very Soul,

You are formed, for us all,

The food of life for which we find our lives,

From our stomachs, to our stomachs you return.

Our purpose, our meaning, is found in you,

The Eggs of the OmeletWings.

A tear rolled down the Queen's face at the beauty of it all.

As everybody began to eat, Embryo turned her attention back to Caviar. She had known Caviar growing up. It felt strange to know that she had now endured the experience of Egg Laying that Embryo could only imagine.

Embryo turned to look at Vitellus, looking with pride at his flag as he ate.

Well, Embryo thought to herself, it looks like you'll be joining her pretty soon yourself if things continue as planned. You'll be fulfilling your purpose.

Embryo stared at her plate in silence. Why did that thought not make her feel better?

Wings of Fire: Legend of the OmeletWingsWhere stories live. Discover now