Clocks (Strawhats x Reader) OS

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  "It's not fair!" You yell out to your unsuspecting crewmates. They jolted up from lunch at your sudden outburst.

"What's the matter (Y/n)?" Robin asks you curiously. You frown, remembering the events that occurred today.


"Yo Franky, what're you doing?" You asked the cyborg with a head tilt. He was currently working on some contraption you didn't know since his huge body was blocking your sight.

"Yo (y/n)! Just upgrading my clock. I'm adding some lasers and a radio. It's gonna be a SUPEEERRR awesome clock!" Explained the cyborg, doing his usual pose.


"Yeah, wanna see?" He shifted his body a bit to let you see. What you saw couldn't be described as a clock at all! It was shaped like the General Franky and was as tall as you are. The shoulder part was off, probably because he was installing those lasers.

"It's..... unique." However, you couldn't stop feeling weirdly jealous. "I'm gonna see what Robin's up to. Bye! "


"Morning Robin!" You greeted the archaeologist with a wave which she return with a small smile.

"Morning (y/n). You seem happy, any causes?" She asked sweetly to which you shook your head no.

"Just bored. What are you doing Robin?" As an answer, the archaeologist pointed to the wall on her side of the girls' quarters. There hangs an owl wearing a graduation hat while reading a book. After a few seconds, you realized that it was actually a clock.

"Is that your clock Robin?"

"Indeed it is. I bought it from the last island we stopped at." You stared at the clock for a while before commenting:

"It looks a lot like you." Unlike many other people who would probably feel insulted being compared to a barn owl, Robin giggled and give an appreciative 'thank you' , as if she already knew.

You waved goodbye to the older woman and jogged off to find your next target.


"BROOOOOKKKKK!!!!!!" The skeleton released a girlish shriek as the door to the aquarium room ( I think it's a lounge) was burst open by an unknown force. The next thing he knew, he was lying flat on his back after being bulldozed by you rampaging into the room.

"Brook?" You looked around for the skeleton but only found a skull. Thinking it's Brook's detached head fit for some reason, you lifted it up. The skull was noticeably smaller than what Brook's head was supposed to be. The mouth was opened wide and in it is a round object. Only then do you realise that it was a clock.

'Is this Brook's?' You asked yourself. 

You found a wig which is similar to Brook's hair, only smaller, lying on the sofa. Picking it up, you adjusted it on the skull's head.

Feeling satisfied that it now looks more like your favourite skeleton, you set it down and skipped out of the room, wondering where the hell Brook ran off to. All the while missing the pained grunt from him when you accidentally skipped on his face.


Peeking into the room, your (e/c) irises scanned for an orange-haired woman drawing maps. After you noticed her figure hunched over the table scattered with papers did you enter.

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