Soulmate Pains ONEPIECE!AU ??? X Reader X ???

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I stared back at the woman before me. Black hair, ebony orbs and fair skin. Her beautiful face looked out of the world even with just a touch of make-up. Her lush red lips and pink cheeks made her look downright gorgeous. However, when I saw her crystal-like orbs, they felt so empty, so sad. Definitely not the eyes of a girl who's getting married to a prince. My eyes dart to the crystal earrings hanging from her ears; a gift from her fiance. My eyes shift down to her chest, where a golden lock connected to a golden chain around her neck resides. I reach my hand at my own lock at my chest and she copies my movements. Of course, she will, after all, she is just a reflection in a mirror.

The strawberry-blonde woman behind me gives a weak smile in the mirror. Nami is my best friend, a sister really. She had never left me alone since kindergarten; always trying to change the outcome when I don't want to do it. However, now, she has no power to stop this. Not because I was about to get hitched by royalty, no. The soulmate rules are absolute. Every time an infant is born, a package will arrive a day after. A key for a boy and a lock for a girl. Where or who they came from is unknown, but somehow these petty items determine the future of mankind to their happily-ever-after. No divorce problems, no family arguments; just peace in the family. If a boy's key can unlock a girl's lock, then they are soulmates. One cannot marry someone who isn't their soulmate. The downside of this is that you cannot decide who you fall in love with. You might fall in love with someone else, but when they are not your soulmate, you'll be devastated. Briefly, my mind wanders to a certain red-haired man.

Some never met their soulmates, making them live a life of solitary and depression. Some who never find their soulmates tend to fall in love with someone else, but as I said, we cannot marry those who are not our soulmates. A first kiss is to be felt with our soulmate. If with another, our years of living decreased and we became weak. Loving someone who is not a soulmate is taboo here.

I am forced out of my daze by a gentle tug at my hair. Nami is working on my curled hair, adding flower crowns. When she finished, she beckons me to stand so she could get a proper look. As I stand in front of her, her eyes are brimmed with unshed tears. Just then, the door opens, revealing a raven-haired woman. Robin stares at me and smiles, adjusting my white sleeveless and backless mermaid wedding dress. The soft piece of cloth hugs my curves perfectly and flows at my legs like a tail of a mermaid. My solemn look must be the reason the two women hug me. I can't change this, nobody can. Not even the prince himself.

Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you. I have never believed that quote, not even now as I'm walking down the aisle. I found my true love and this soulmate stuff destroyed it. The grip on my father's arm tightens. He looks down at my face under the veil and gives a reassuring smile. I look up, my black eyes meeting ember ones as I neared the chapel. His fiery red hair stands out like a sore thumb. His eyes held sadness and guilt. It is him, the guy I fell in love with, Eustass Kid. I look away, for fear of me running towards him, begging him to stop the wedding. The wedding where I had never even seen my fiance. I look at the chapel, searching for the man who would most likely be my husband-to-be. That's when I saw him, silver-grey eyes, dark slightly messy raven locks, sideburns and a small goatee. His tan skin compliments him and his black tuxedo. a boutonniere in his chest pocket. If there's one thing I can describe him as it is that he is certainly an eye-candy.

'When you lock eyes with your soulmate, time seems to freeze. You would feel a tog at your heart and instantly feel warmth surrounding you both. An immediate attraction will be felt by each other.' That is what the book says about soulmates. Now, I am having that same feeling. My black irises widens as did his grey ones. My regret and sadness were suddenly forgotten in that blissful moment. As I reach the chapel, we stare at each other as the priest said the usual wedding vows. I see a brunette behind my fiance, staring at the crowd. I follow her gaze to see that she was staring at Kid and vice versa. Their eyes widen and the girl's lock faintly glows. I smile as I know they are soulmates. Now I won't leave behind any regret. My fiance and I exchange vows, making us lawfully wedded husband and wife. From here on, I will be known as Princess (Y/n), the queen of Prince Trafalgar Law.

Law and I walk down the aisle, hand in hand. Our rings, a matching pair of heart designs with mine an extra star. Some pictures are taken by reporters and professional photographers. After that, the party began. Dinner consists of many mouth-watering delicacies by the palace's cook, Sanji. The blonde cook is a charmer; a true gentleman. When he is serving, he paused, staring at my strawberry-blonde friend. Her lock faintly glows as they lock eyes. I grin, looks like I'll have two weddings to attend. After that, people start giving speeches. First, The King and Queen, then my father, friends and close relatives from both sides. Some tears are shed but the breathtaking smile is still plastered on my face. Soon, it is time for the groom and bride's first dance. Law guides me to the centre of the ballroom of Highclere Castle. The dance feels like we are in the air, floating and just spending time with each other. It is truly a fairy tale. I guess it is true, once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a Fairy tale

During the dance, we guide ourselves toward the balcony. We stop dancing and just gaze at each other until he lets go of my hand. He slips off his ring and gestures for me to do the same. When I did, he asks me to check it. Curious, I look over the gold jewellery, finding the words 'The Lock' engraved under the ring. He shows me his that has the words 'The Key'. Before anything could happen, we are called to cut the wedding cake. Overall it is a big delicious velvet cake.

Finally, it was time for my favourite part of every wedding; the bouquet toss. I hold my bouquet of hydrangeas, ranunculuses, anemones and viburnum berries and turn away from the crowd of single women. I throw it and, not surprisingly, it landed right in Nami's hands. I smirk in her direction as she turns a thousand shades of red. After the last song was announced, both Law and I depart from the people. A luxurious limousine is parked right outside the castle gates. There are no drivers, meaning that Law will drive it himself. As we seated ourselves, the crowd gathers and waves at us. We wave back before Law starts the black limousine into life. The newlywed prince holds my hand as he drives. He gives me a smile full of affection. This is the start of our happily-ever-after, and even though every story is beautiful, ours will be my favourite.

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