Last Valentine (Law X Reader) Oneshot AU

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 "Next week?! What do you mean next week?! You told me you'd be back tomorrow!" You yelled at the phone. You could see the person on the other side cringing.

"(Y/n)-ya, don't shout. I can't do anything. There's a patient that needs constant observation. I want to go back but I can't turn my back on this one (y/n)-ya. Sor-" Before Law had any time to explain, you slam the phone and stomp to your bedroom. The one you shared with your handsome boyfriend who suddenly was called to work in London for reasons unknown to you. Usually, you won't get angry at this sort of thing since he was doing a noble thing as a surgeon. That's why you love him. He saves people's lives and he also saved yours from loneliness. So why are you mad now, do you ask?

The reason is very simple. Valentines Day. Three days from now is the most awaited day for every couple, but somehow after that call, you just hope that Valentine never existed.

~Timeskip! Brought to you by sweet chocolates by Sanji!~

It's been two days since then. Law called but you never answered. You are starting to feel guilty and it was eating you alive. But each time you wanted to call him back, a little voice inside of your head said 'This is what he deserved! Leave him!' And so you follow it. But every second you felt more guilty than before.

Tomorrow was Valentines Day and in your little city, there will be a festival each Valentine's Day. There will be fireworks, performances and romantic scenery. Oh, how you dream to do this with Law. You see, even though you had been with Law for the past 3 years, you always celebrate it in his hometown in the BIG city. Not once have you celebrated it in your hometown. So you were thinking, why not just this once, to celebrate it in your hometown? But luck was in the way and plan to separate you and Law for this Valentine. Ugh! Life was so unfair!

"I'm bored..." You sigh as you look at a picture you and Law took on your first date three years ago.

"I wish you were here."

"Your wish has been granted." You almost jump as strong lean arms wrap around you. You were about to grab the vase from the table when you noticed the unique tattoo on the man's arm.

"Law!" You turn around and hug your boyfriend tight. He return the hug and placed his face at the crook of your neck.

"I miss you too." He chuckled at your happy face when seeing him. You let go of him and look him in the eyes.

"Law, I thought you weren't coming back 'till next week?" You questioned him but instead of answering, he just ignored you and pull you towards your room.


"Change. We're going out." With that short answer, he left the room and waited at the living room.

You took out a cute (f/c) dress that reach your knees. You tied your (h/c) hair into two pigtails on either side of your head with two cute (f/c) ribbons that compliment the dress. You wore a pair of long white socks and (f/c) high-heels. You step out of your room and was greeted with the stunning scenery of your handsome boyfriend in a dark blue long sleeve sweater with black spots, a pair of light blue jeans with the same decoration and his signature white hat.

"Ready to go (y/n)-ya?" Without waiting for an answer, he pulled your hand and exited your apartment. He took you towards the Valentine's Festival which strangely was set up quite earlier than usual.

"Want some ice cream?" He asks, pointing towards an ice cream stall beside him. Knowing your weakness for sweet things, you nod vigorously. Law chuckle at your enthusiasm and headed towards the ice cream stall and ordered two (f/f) ice creams.

After going to various attractions like goldfish scooping, haunted houses and fortune-telling (to Law's dismay), Law brought you to a nearby hill. When you reach the top, you were both alone and you can't believe what you saw. The hill overlooks the whole city! The people look like ants. The festival looks so lively even from this high up. And the lights, oh the lights were your favourite! Their the prettiest thing that you have ever seen!

Law smiled when he saw the wide smile on your face. The light that glinted in your eyes is what he wanted to see after the long trip back to London. After a while you look at Law, the smile never falters from your face.

"Thanks, Law..." You murmur quietly. Law gives you a warm smile in return and hugs you close to his chest. A few seconds passed with you sitting in Law's arms. Then you look up at him, intending to ask questions that were running through your mind since Law got home.

"Hey, Law. Just asking, how are you here? You said that you have a patient to take care of."

"Well, it turns out one of my colleagues overheard our conversation and volunteered to take my place. I inform the higher-ups and they agreed. So here I am. Any more questions?"

"....Why are you doing this? There's no event today. Valentines Day is tomorrow." Law smiled down at you. Instead of answering your question, Law looks towards the sky and starts murmuring something quietly. You strained your ears to hear and found out that he was counting down.






"1" Law look at (y/n) with a closed-eyed smile and (y/n) counts the last number together.

"0" Suddenly fireworks shoot out and painted the sky in beautiful colours. (Y/n) look at the sky in awe, a wide smile was once again carved on her face.

"Happy Valentines Day (y/n)-ya," Law spoke softly and shifted a bit until he was kneeling on one knee. Your eyes were as wide as saucers by now.

"(Y/n)-ya, will you marry me?" Law asks, bringing out a ring from his jeans. You cup your mouth with your hands, eyes brimming with tears. In a matter of seconds, you jump at Law, yelling yes. You both hug each other and stayed like that.

"So this will be our last Valentine, huh? As couples." Law chuckled and cup your face between his hands.

"Don't worry. I will make every day like it was today." You snuggled closer to Law and continue to watch the colourful sky. Better enjoy your last Valentine as a couple while you still can.

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