Hide and seek

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Some notes before the story

I do not own demon slayer

The characters are not mine

The Images are not mine (Credits to owners)

This is an original story

Oh and please comment on a paragraph if it has a grammar or spelling error! I want to fix those right away!

Oh and rengoku isn't dead in this chapter so deal with it 🗿 I forgot and I don't wanna re-write it . Best I can do is pretend it's his ghost 🧍‍♀️I'll make him dead after this arc


Muzan's POV

I going to summon the Uppermoons like Tanjiro had asked. I certainly don't want his cover blown knowing he is close with multiple advanced slayers. I was walking and stopped on a platform. "Nakime" I called out. She strummed her Biwa and all Uppermoons appeared in front of me. All of them quickly bowed... but douma.

"Master~ i have something to te-" Akaza quickly pulled him down. "Kneel down Idiot" He whispered. Douma is very weird, he likes to be punished so he doesn't fear me as much, though he does if I give him a reason to.

"I have something to announce. Tanjiro, at the moment, is with the hashira's. He has become a hashira undercover." This caught their attention. "

"He contacted me tonight saying that none of you should ever visit him on Fridays." I spoke. "Why is... that master..." kokushibo slowly said. "On Friday's, hashira's hang out with each other so it would be very risky for one of you to try and go to Tanjiro and having up facing all of the hashira." I warned them with a sturn voice. "Understood." They said in unison bowing their heads. "Dismissed." And Nakime teleported them back.

Tanjiro's POV

I'm the seeker for this round and Im counting to 180. Im at 120 right now so 1 more minute. I can already sense most of them but I still don't sense where obanai, Muichiro, or giyuu are but I'll find them eventually.

177...178...179...180... "Ready or not.. here i come." I smirked. I was ready to find them. This game helps me with my sensing skills so it's a really good game for me, that's why I didn't disagree to this game and why I chose to be seeker.

I started by looking in the branches. It was quite dark but that didn't stop me. Demons are nocturnal so they are used to night which means that basically all demons have Night vision including me.

I do infact see someone in the branches once since i kept moving. It was Uzui. He didn't have anywhere else to go. "Dang! You found me! At least I was flamboyant!" He yelled. "Was I First?" .... It was silent. "Don't tell me I was first..." I nodded my head. "DANG IT!" He fake cried.

"Ok let's look for other people." I started running to where I sensed someone. "Woah! Your fast!" He stated barley catching up. I was slowing down for him since he wanted to stick with me.

"Let's head up their." I pointed to a little hill. "I smell something." We run up and soon he smells the same thing. I look to where it was coming from. "...mitsuri what are you doing...?" I questioned. "GAH! YOU SCARED MEEEE! I was eating!" She said with her mouth full. "Oh I don't blame you. Food is very good." I agreed. "But it gave you away."

The Infinite Sun... (Demon Tanjiro)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt