The Mugen Train

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Some notes before the story

I do not own demon slayer

The characters are not mine

The Images are not mine (Credits to owners)

This is an original story


Tanjiro's POV

Some time passed by and everyone looked like they would fall asleep soon. I sensed a lowermoon demon so I knew this was Enmu's doing. Must be his blood demon art.

I did feel tired though but I didn't want to fall asleep. If that happened, no one would be able to wake me up and if that's the case, I won't be able to get the mission done so I tried my best to stay awake.

A few minutes later everyone was asleep. It went by fast but sometimes I would catch myself about to fall asleep which I smacked myself or shook myself and basically did Anything to keep me awake.

Time went by and I heard someone coming so I faked being asleep. 3 kids came out and attached ropes to me, rengoku-san, zenitsu, and inosuke. I bet they were under enmu's control for some reason.

"What do you think you're doing boy." I sat up and spoke. He was shocked since he thought I was asleep. "I-I" he stuttered and then I killed him. No use for him anyways.

I went on top of the train to find enmu. I'm hoping rengoku and the others wake up so I don't have to kill enmu but that's what I'm hoping.

I went to the front of the train and enmu, of course, was infact their. He was talking to.. the person who put holes in our tickets... he must've infused his blood demon art into the tickets or something so that everyone would fall asleep. Good plan since he had to poke holes through everyone's.

"Did you put them all asleep?.." enmu asked the conductor. "YES I DID! PLEASE PUT ME ASLEEP AND GIVE ME A NICE DREAM!" He begged. "Of course~ you did what I asked you to and I made a promise~" he replied. He then put out his arm with a mouth on it. Not going to lie it looked gross. "Sleep." the hand spoke and he passed out.

I jumped down after he passed out. "Oh! Tanjiro-sama~ what are you doing here~" he questioned. "Don't call me that. I'm undercover  at the moment. I came here to tell you a hashira is on this train as well as 2 more slayers." I said. "Yes I know! I've been aware since he got on the train!" He responded. "Ok just wanted to let you know and one more thing. Don't let your guard down. That hashira is one of the more high ranked ones so be careful." I spoke once again.  "Ok~ anything for you Tanjiro-sama~" he said back. I sighed knowing he wouldn't stop calling me Tanjiro-sama. I knew everyone called me that but I didn't want to risk being found by the corps.

I jumped away as he waved. As I was heading back I sensed rengoku was up as well as zenitsu. I'll tell them I woke up and was searching for the demon/demons.

I jumped down in the train. "Rengoku-san! Your up! I've been waiting for you to get up so you could help me! I was the first one to get up so I started searching for demon and I sensed one at the front of the train!" I said. "Ok! I'll keep track of the last 5 carts while"- "ARGGG!!" Inosuke yelled jumping up. He finally woke up.

"AH HA! INOSUKE! YOUR UP! ZENITSU MY BOY TAKE CARE OF THIS CART WHILE I TAKE CARE OF THE OTHER 5 CARTS!" Rengoku happily explained. "Inosuke and Tanjiro will head for the demon in the front! Go!" We all then headed our separate ways.

On the way their I told inosuke that I figured out the demons blood demon art and how we kill it since i "woke up early". Just to clarify I knew enmu was merged into this train since he did it because it was a huge change and I don't know how anyone wouldn't sense it.

I told inosuke a plan and then we headed to where the bone was. We soon jumped in a pit with eyeballs and flesh and we both cut them all. I removed the flesh while inosuke finally, cut the bone. It was a good plan, though enmu died which I wasn't pleased about but didn't really mind. I wasn't close to him at all but I still did care about my demon comrades... at least most of them.

The train soon went out of control because of enmu dying since he was controlling it and crashed. They all evacuated the passengers safely though so I guess there mission was complete.

When the train though, inosuke got hurt quite a bit but was still able to stand but zenitsu completely passed out. He was fighting the whole time so I don't blame him.

Rengoku did manage to land safely because he was a hashira, of course he landed. After a few moments my heart dropped. I sensed someone powerful coming this way and it wasn't good. I knew them well and that's bad for me. 'IM ******* UNDERCOVER! WHY DID AKAZA HAVE TO COME!'

I guessed rengoku sensed it as well because he got into a fighting stance to block Akaza's blow.
I wasn't near rengoku and was behind inosuke so I hoped akaza wouldn't see me but I knew he would.

Akaza soon appeared out of mid air and tried to land an attack on rengoku which was blocked. I knew that if I was someone different, I would've been targeted by akaza on that attack but since he knew me, he wouldn't dare to get close. Especially since I'm his superior and since I'm his friend. At least I think I am.

He started talking to rengoku in which saying he should become a demon. I've never seen him act like this but it was because this was a hashira he was fighting and talking to. While rengoku slightly closed his eyes for some seconds, akaza looked at me and I put my finger to my lips and mimicked "shhh" and he got the memo and looked away.

lol to be continued ✍️

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